react-treebeard copied to clipboard
Why use inline styles instead css classes?
It would be a lot easier to customize if it was using css classes instead of inline styles. This is a requirement or something? Or just it was not made with classes...because not?
otherwise we're stuck doing this:
style.tree.base.backgroundColor = '';
style.tree.base.color = '';
style.tree.node.activeLink.background = '';
style.tree.node.loading.color = '';
style.tree.node.header.base.color = '';
Guys, I've end up implementing my own component using jstree lib. Soon I will let it available on npm.
otherwise we're stuck doing this:
style.tree.base.backgroundColor = ''; style.tree.base.color = ''; style.tree.node.activeLink.background = ''; style.tree.node.loading.color = ''; style.tree.node.header.base.color = '';
Considering that my entire system uses scss, I would take this over inline styles. I am struggling like crazy with the tree itself, which insists on remaining dark no matter what I do. And since it refuses to respond to scss, I have to go code diving now to figure out how to make the example display in white background and dark text.
I guess most people don't mind the opinionated nature of this component since it has gargantuan downloads for a component with fairly limited activity of late. But it's painful to have one "special" component with its own styles implementation.