> > See also #1101. > > Indeed! The inconsistency of `ms`/`markersize` and `s` between `plot` and `scatter` also adds confusion to the situation. Honestly also trips me up all...
> If you want all your dots to have the same "size" and "color", then just use plot. We mention this as an optimization, but `scatter`-> scatter plots and `plot`->...
>If you find yourself saying "why can't I use markersize in scatter?", rather than saying "Matplotlib should make scatter more like plot" you should say "this is a situation where...
> I would go further and say this interpretation is completely wrong (even though it may be common) and we should actively write the docs in a way that goes...
>Just complaining that it's unintuitive or insisting on one certain ill-fitting point of view (plot = line plot) does not make it better for our user. I'd like to have...
> [half-filled markers](https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/marker_reference.html#marker-fill-styles), which I don't think `scatter` can do? You're right, and I think scatter should support the half-filled b/c I don't think we should have inconsistency in the...
> .Overloading to `scatter(x, y, markersize=1)` to `scatter(x, y, markersize=z)`, would maybe be OK, but I'm still not a fan as it is a different markersize than for `Line2D` markers....
> Because of the x-tick relation of labels and it's relation to individual boxes, this parameter is not suited for the legend labels. > If we want to go this...
> If anything the new one would belabel` (singular). Yeah, sorry missed that `label` is what gets used everywhere for legend. Then variant 2 + rename makes sense- I assume...
I lean towards `label`>`legend_label` b/c API consistency >> name specificity.