libimobiledevice-win32 copied to clipboard
Enanle to use Mobilesync
Hi Sir,
I am using this library in my vc++ application for synchronization of contact and i want to list all contact from devices to my application on windows systems . i am using following code
int main(void) { int count, i, err; lockdownd_service_descriptor_t port = NULL; usbmuxd_device_info_t devices; idevice_t idevice; idevice_connection_t connection; lockdownd_client_t ldclient; mobilesync_client_t sync_client = NULL; char *host_id; err = usbmuxd_get_device_list(&devices); if(err != 1) { printf("usbmuxd_get_device_list error %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, NULL, NULL, &devices); return 0; } for(count = 0; devices[count].handle > 0; count++); / First device only / err = idevice_new(&idevice, devices[0].udid); if(err != 0) { printf("idevice_new error %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, NULL, idevice, &devices); return 0; } err = lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(idevice, &ldclient, "mobilesync"); if(err != 0) { printf("lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } userpref_get_host_id(&host_id); err = lockdownd_start_service(ldclient, "", &port); if(err != 0) { printf("lockdownd_start_service %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } err = mobilesync_client_new(idevice, port, &sync_client); if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_client_new %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } plist_t data = NULL; plist_t msg = NULL; plist_t response_t = NULL; char * response; / Initial handshake / msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageSyncDataClassWithDevice")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("---")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("2013-07-29 22-34-00 00")); / plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDSyncTypeSlow")); / plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_uint(106)); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("_EmptyParameterString")); err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg); plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_send %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg); if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_receive %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } response_t = plist_array_get_item(msg, 0); plist_get_string_val(response_t, &response); if(strcmp(response, "SDMessageSyncDataClassWithComputer") != 0) { close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageGetAllRecordsFromDevice")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("")); err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg); plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_send %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0;; } char * xml = NULL; unsigned int xml_size; err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg); if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_receive %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } /_ both checks are voluntary / if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) / check whether it's a root node / if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) / check whether root node is an array */ plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size); printf("%s\n", xml); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; }
But am not getting my contact in xml file .
instead when i am using its work fine.
please correct me where i am going wrong please help as i am working on it from many days help me out pls.
try close idevice icloud sync contact first.
Thanks airwolf2026 for your Quick reply its work now , thanks a lot
but i have a problem now got information like first name, last name ,company name etc correct but not information like Phone number, email ,Street Address,URL ,Date etc not coming in this xml dict.
i got this format out put
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? > < !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" " DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd" > < plist version="1.0" > < dict > < key >last name< /key > < string >Ll222< /string > < key >company name< /key > < string>Ccc222< /string > < key >< /key > < string >< /string > < key >first name< /key > < string >BbB222< /string > < key >display as company< /key > < string >person</ string > < /dict > < /plist >
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? > < !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" " DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd" > < plist version="1.0" > < dict > < key >display as company< /key > < string>person< /string > < key >company name< /key > < string>Information Limited < key >notes< /key > < string >
Details Updated 4/10/2012:
Business Address City: new delhi
Business Address State: delhi
Business Address Country/Region: India< /string >
< key >< /key >
< string >< /string>
< key >last name< /key >
< string >Talwar< /string >
< key >first name< /key >
< string >Ankur< /string >
< key >department< /key >
< string >Technical Support< /string >
</ dict > </ plist>
please help me how i got all information where to change made in my code please help me
you should read message until while(msg!=null) { mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg); } idevice send contact infos in diffrent plist.
int main(void) { int count, i, err; lockdownd_service_descriptor_t port = NULL; usbmuxd_device_info_t devices; idevice_t idevice; idevice_connection_t connection; lockdownd_client_t ldclient; mobilesync_client_t sync_client = NULL; char host_id; err = usbmuxd_get_device_list(&devices); if(err != 1) { printf("usbmuxd_get_device_list error %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, NULL, NULL, &devices); return 0; } for(count = 0; devices[count].handle > 0; count++); / First device only / err = idevice_new(&idevice, devices[0].udid); if(err != 0) { printf("idevice_new error %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, NULL, idevice, &devices); return 0; } err = lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(idevice, &ldclient, "mobilesync"); if(err != 0) { printf("lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } userpref_get_host_id(&host_id); err = lockdownd_start_service(ldclient, "", &port); if(err != 0) { printf("lockdownd_start_service %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(NULL, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } err = mobilesync_client_new(idevice, port, &sync_client); if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_client_new %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } plist_t data = NULL; plist_t msg = NULL; plist_t response_t = NULL; char * response; / Initial handshake / msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageSyncDataClassWithDevice")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("---")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("2013-07-29 22-34-00 00")); / plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDSyncTypeSlow")); / plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_uint(106)); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("EmptyParameterString")); err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg); plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_send %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg); if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_receive %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } response_t = plist_array_get_item(msg, 0); plist_get_string_val(response_t, &response); if(strcmp(response, "SDMessageSyncDataClassWithComputer") != 0) { close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; } msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageGetAllRecordsFromDevice")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("")); err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg); plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_send %d, exiting.\n", err); close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0;; } char * xml = NULL; unsigned int xml_size; err = mobilesync_receive(client, &msg); if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) / check whether it's a root node / if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) / check whether root node is an array */ plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size); printf("%s\n", xml);
err = mobilesync_receive(client, &msg);
if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node */
if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) /* check whether root node is an array */
plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size);
printf("%s\n", xml);
close_all(sync_client, ldclient, idevice, &devices); return 0; }
i use this but still no phone no come in plist dist while in iphone all have no and email and url etc
while(msg!=NULL) { err = mobilesync_receive(client, &msg);
value return -1 ; second time execution
pls help it only show not Number etc data .
Please help me how can i get Phone Number email etc
sorry,you should test msg[3] is lastrecord
Dear Sir . Could you please give some brief in detail
where i am wrong and where to change .
Dear Sir . Could you please give some brief in detail
where i am wrong
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM, airwolf2026 [email protected] wrote:
sorry,you should test msg[3] is lastrecord
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .
Thanks Vipin Kumar Beniwal
sniff the usb message use Bus Hound
Hi Sir,
i add following to my code array = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(array, plist_new_string("SDMessageProcessChanges")); plist_array_append_item(array, plist_new_string("")); plist_array_append_item(array, plist_new_dict()); plist_array_append_item(array, plist_new_bool(0)); plist_t dict1 = plist_new_dict(); plist_array_append_item(array, dict1); plist_t array22 = plist_new_array(); plist_dict_insert_item(dict1, "SyncDeviceLinkEntityNamesKey", array22); plist_array_append_item(array22, plist_new_string(" Number")); plist_array_append_item(array22, plist_new_string("")); plist_dict_insert_item(dict1, "SyncDeviceLinkAllRecordsOfPulledEntityTypeSentKey", plist_new_bool(0));
ret = mobilesync_send(client, array);
array = NULL;
ret = mobilesync_receive(client, &array);
if(plist_get_parent(array) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node */
if(plist_get_node_type(array) == PLIST_ARRAY) /* check whether root node is an array */
plist_to_xml(array, &xml, &xml_size);
printf("%s\n", xml);
but out put is still same .
< key >15< /key > < dict > < key > < /key > < string >< /string > < key >first name< /key > < string >Ratina < key >display as company< /key > < string >person< /string > < /dict > < key >3 < dict > < key >first name< /key > < string >Zulfiqar< /string > < key >company name< /key > < string >Ftftft< /string > < key >last name< /key > < string >Ali< /string > < key >notes< /key > < string >My notes vvvvvvvvvvvvv< /string > < key >birthday< /key > < date/ > < key >display as company< /key > < string >person< /string > < key >< /key > < string >< /string >
Dear Sir please tell me how you get these value : Number contact
type mobile value +86123567
plist_dict_insert_item(dict1, "SyncDeviceLinkEntityNamesKey", array22); plist_array_append_item(array22, plist_new_string(" Number")); plist_array_append_item(array22, plist_new_string("")); plist_dict_insert_item(dict1, "SyncDeviceLinkAllRecordsOfPulledEntityTypeSentKey", >plist_new_bool(0));
don't add these ,these are idevice send to computer
then how can i get phone no my all code is shown to you sir where i am wrong please tell me where i have to change or add something pls help .
i know why you can't get more info while(msg!=NULL) { err = mobilesync_receive(client, &msg); //send 'SDMessageAcknowledgeChangesFromDevice' msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg,plist_new_string("SDMessageAcknowledgeChangesFromDevice")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("")); err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg); if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node / if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) / check whether root node is an array */ plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size); printf("%s\n", xml); }
send 'SDMessageAcknowledgeChangesFromDevice' to tell device you had done previous msg,then device can send other info like phonenumbers etc
hi sir i tried it but same out out still i am trying it to rewrite again as money changes has been done after final i will show you my code again .
Thanks a lot Sir its working after make some little change THANKS A LOT and expecting help if needed in further implementation of this sync process to my application..
hm, there are a lot free software to manager idevice.
k I want to add new contact with all detail to iphone is i am in right direction pls guide me sir..
i am using vc++ in my app
can i also insert contact with this method .
yes,you're in rigtht direction reference this to sync changes to iphone
Dear Sir Could you tell me little bit how can i insert i new contact in iphone using this some steps as you tell me in reading contact from iphone
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:13 AM, airwolf2026 [email protected] wrote:
yes,you're in rigtht direction reference this to sync changes to iphone
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .
Thanks Vipin Kumar Beniwal
Hi Sir,
i am trying to add new contact using following code but i am not understand how can i do this please help me . where the detail of contact add i don't understand pls help me out sir.
int main1(mobilesync_client_t sync_client) { int count, i, err; plist_t data = NULL; plist_t msg = NULL; plist_t response_t = NULL; char * response; /* Initial handshake / msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageSyncDataClassWithDevice")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("---")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("2013-07-29 22-34-00 00")); / plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDSyncTypeSlow")); */ plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_uint(106)); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("_EmptyParameterString_")); err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg); plist_free(msg); msg = NULL; if(err != 0) { printf("mobilesync_send %d, exiting.\n", err);
return 0;
msg = NULL;
err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg);
if(err != 0)
printf("mobilesync_receive %d, exiting.\n", err);
return 0;
response_t = plist_array_get_item(msg, 0);
plist_get_string_val(response_t, &response);
if(strcmp(response, "SDMessageSyncDataClassWithComputer") != 0)
return 0;
msg = plist_new_array();
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageGetAllRecordsFromDevice"));
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string(""));
err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg);
msg = NULL;
if(err != 0)
printf("mobilesync_send %d, exiting.\n", err);
return 0;;
char * xml = NULL;
unsigned int xml_size;
err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg);
if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node */
if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) /* check whether root node is an array */
plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size);
printf("%s\n", xml);
msg = NULL;
printf("%s\n", xml);
//send 'SDMessageAcknowledgeChangesFromDevice'
msg = plist_new_array();
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string(""));
err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg);
msg = NULL;
err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg);
if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node */
if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) /* check whether root node is an array */
plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size);
printf("%s\n", xml);
//=======================new change to add new contact ===========================// msg = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("DLMessagePing")); plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("Preparing to get changes for device"));
err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg);
msg = NULL;
msg = plist_new_array();
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("SDMessageProcessChanges"));
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string(""));
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_dict());
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("vipin"));
plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_bool(1));
plist_t dict = plist_new_dict();
plist_array_append_item(msg, dict);
plist_t array2 = plist_new_array();
plist_dict_insert_item(dict, "SyncDeviceLinkEntityNamesKey", array2);
plist_array_append_item(array2, plist_new_string(""));
plist_array_append_item(array2, plist_new_string(""));
plist_dict_insert_item(dict, "SyncDeviceLinkAllRecordsOfPulledEntityTypeSentKey", plist_new_bool(0));
err = mobilesync_send(sync_client, msg);
msg = NULL;
err = mobilesync_receive(sync_client, &msg);
if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node */
if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) /* check whether root node is an array */
plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size);
printf("%s\n", xml);
msg = NULL;
if(err != 0)
printf("mobilesync_receive %d, exiting.\n", err);
return 0;
/* both checks are voluntary */
if(plist_get_parent(msg) == NULL) /* check whether it's a root node */
if(plist_get_node_type(msg) == PLIST_ARRAY) /* check whether root node is an array */
plist_to_xml(msg, &xml, &xml_size);
printf("%s\n", xml);
return 0;
where i add details of contact and how it insert to iphone .
change the line 'plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("vipin"));' to plist_t contactMainInfoDict =plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_insert_item(contactMainInfoDict , "first name", plist_new_string("FirstName")); plist_dict_insert_item(contactMainInfoDict , "last name", plist_new_string("LastName")); device send plist format to pc;
plist_array_append_item(msg,contactMainInfoDict );
may this help you ,sorry for my poor english.
K thanks Sir i will try it and reply you
Hi Sir
@storoj please Help me as i am waiting for your reply pls help me sir .
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:35 PM, vipin beniwal < [email protected]> wrote:
Hi Sir , contact is not added after changing this
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 3:02 PM, airwolf2026 [email protected] wrote:
change the line 'plist_array_append_item(msg, plist_new_string("vipin"));' to plist_t contactMainInfoDict =plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_insert_item(contactMainInfoDict , "first name", plist_new_string("FirstName")); plist_dict_insert_item(contactMainInfoDict , "last name", plist_new_string("LastName")); device send plist format to pc;
plist_array_append_item(msg,contactMainInfoDict );
may this help you ,sorry for my poor english.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .
Thanks Vipin Kumar Beniwal
Thanks Vipin Kumar Beniwal
before send contact msg to device ,send
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
then send the contact msg, in your case ,you miss the contact id
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>company name</key>
<key>display as company</key>
<key>first name</key>
<key>job title</key>
<key>last name</key>
after send the msg, device will send you the new id on device ,like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
then ,you can send phonenumbers, email etc to device ,in case of phoneNumbers:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string> Number</string>
<string> Number</string>
like main contact info,after received phoneNumbers,device will send you the new id base on your phoneNumber id.
<plist version="1.0">
k Thanks Sir I will try this and get back to you Thanks a lot.
Dear Sir all is going in the same way but contact is not shown and each time adding same contact id is coming , phone no out put is also same as you describe but contact is not added to iphone .
where is i am doing wrong pls help me sir
you should send other infos to device ,like related name,email,dates etc.
<plist version="1.0">
<string> Name</string>
in final,send
<plist version="1.0">
you should download a free ios tool ,then use busHound to sniffer the packet,when add a new contact.
Dear Sir,
One More Query to you i am running libimobiledevice-win32 successfully in debug configuration but in release mode it show me lot of error how can i build it in release mode . I am getting error like
Touching "Release\libcnary.unsuccessfulbuild". 1>ClCompile: 1> cnary.c 1>cnary.c(30): error C2275: 'node_t' : illegal use of this type as an expression 1> D:\contact sync\libimobiledevice-win32-master-1\libcnary\include\node.h(54) : see declaration of 'node_t' 1>cnary.c(30): error C2065: 'root' : undeclared identifier
ClCompile: 2> libusbmuxd.c 1> base64.c 1>src\base64.c(49): error C2275: 'size_t' : illegal use of this type as an expression 1> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\codeanalysis\sourceannotations.h(29) : see declaration of 'size_t' 1>src\base64.c(49): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'outlen
sorry, i didn't build the project in release.