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Christian Dior πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸ‘—πŸ‘”πŸ“ˆπŸ“‰ - (Order Matching Engine) - match hundreds of thousands of orders per second

Christian Dior

Order Matching Engine - match hundreds of thousands of orders per second


  • Couchbase for Orders/Trades storage
  • Influx for marketdata storage quote/query
  • uWebsocket for TCP/UDP
  • Order types
    • market order - execute an order as fast as possible, cross the spread
    • limit order - execute an order with a limit on bid/ask price (e.g. $x or less for a bid, or $y or more for an ask)
  • Order params
    • AON - all or nothing, don't allow partial fills
    • IOC - immediate or cancel, immediately fill what's possible, cancel the rest
    • FOK - AON+IOC, immediately match an order in full (without partial fills) or cancel it


  • βœ… stop orders
  • βœ… GFD, GTC, GTD parameters
  • logic surrounding the order book - trading hours, pre/after market restrictions
  • basic middle & back office functionalities - risk assessment, limits
  • βœ… Websocket: TCP/UDP server that accepts orders
  • βœ… HTTP: TCP/UDP server that accepts orders
  • βœ… reporting market volume, share price
  • βœ… reporting acknowledgments & updates to clients (share price, displayed/hidden orders...)
  • Master-slave cluster, auto-re-elect master
  • Same-sync
  • Tradebook cronjobs

Market behaviour

Market orders are always given priority above all other orders, then sorted according to time of arrival.

  • orders are FIFO based
    • bids - price (descending), time (ascending)
    • asks - price (ascending), time (ascending)
    • quantity does not matter in sorting

When a match occurs between two limit orders the price is set on the bid price. Bid of $25 and ask of $24 will be matched at $25.


Order book & trade books are per-instrument objects, one order book can only handle one instrument.

  • OrderBook (Order model) - stores active orders in memory, db & handles order matching

  • TradeBook (Trade model) - stores daily trades in memory, db & provides additional data about trading

  • Historical Orders (OrderRecord model) - persistent storage of all historical orders


  • Order model/collection is used to persist all orders in couchbase
  • All orders whether active/or not are stored in couchbase under the Order collection
  • When an Order has been filled it is deleted from the Order collection and a copy of it is stored in OrderRecords


  • All trades are saved in the Trade collection of couchbase


  • Matching system full documentation

    • https://gist.github.com/jdrew1303/e06361070468f6614d52216fb91b79e5
  • Practical .NET for Financial Markets by Samir Jayaswal and Yogesh Shetty

    • excellent reading material for functional and technical details about financial markets
    • good explanation of the order matching algorithm
  • https://web.archive.org/web/20110219163448/http://howtohft.wordpress.com/2011/02/15/how-to-build-a-fast-limit-order-book/

    • insight into technical aspects regarding trading speed, efficiency...
  • https://www.investopedia.com/investing/basics-trading-stock-know-your-orders/

    • great summary of order types
  • https://github.com/enewhuis/liquibook

    • inspiration for some of the data structures and approaches to the problem

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