sw-adversaries copied to clipboard
have multiple language version (feature request)
As French role player, i found your website and started to enjoyed it... until i have to translate the pages :)
So the feature request :): can we have the possibility to get a multilanguage site: when arriving 1srt tile on http://swa.stoogoff.com it's english,
- set a prefered language
- possbility to show only the NPC translated or show all,
- when going to the webpage if the prefered langage NPC exist show it first (tab per language)
- the different books are not edited same moment between US and France (and it the same for other language, i suppose, so there will be NPC only exist in english first...
Regards Tonic8
I think it would be great to have a multi-lingual version of the app but I am a team of one who relies on a lot of assistance for data entry. Would you be able to provide the translations for me?
Hello yes i can work on the translation, as i'm doing it on the npc i need on my games i may be slow on release.. but yes
Do you have a template / example of data entry to see how i can prepare an example on my side (and the data to find list of skills/list of titles etc...)
Hi, I've created a new branch which you can see here:
If you look in this directory here:
You'll see some sub-directories which contain files with examples of the format for adversaries as well as item qualities and talents. The English versions of those files are in the src/media/data/
directory and follow the same layout as the French version. There are some other files in the (skills.json and weapons.json) which can be translated as well.
At the moment none of the code to load the fr files is in place but I'll get started on that next week.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello i cloned the branch locally i will see how to write the data. The questions will be more "git noob" :how to push the data to the servers.
but let me write them :), we will see then.
Hello Stoogoff
as i'm working on the translation, i'm creating a table of equivalence... and then i thought the solution could "simply" a translation table.
in the spreadsheet there is a tab for book, characteristics, and talents each is always english and french column
let's imagine the system is in place:
- clicking on the language french: you show all the data already transleted. if a talent or an ability is not yet translated we set the english version with a tiny icon "not yet translated"
i mean we jsut use the english json, and convert by using the tables translation (that should contain book name, tag, talents abilities, etc...)
i don't know if i'm clear enough...
I recently I have found this really helpful project. Very good work! And I would like to see localized versions too. I have build running site from the sources but now I would like to know how I can translate it (here into German). For example: If I would like to translate the skill names, do I have to translate them on every source file (json)?