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A Swift ePub parser framework for iOS.
A Swift ePub parser framework for iOS.
You can read How to Parse an ePub File for iOS to learn more.
- Swift 5.0+
- iOS 10.0+
Basic Usage
- Create bookbinder instance with default configuration
// default configuration uses `NSTemporaryDirectory` as root directory to unzip ePub file let bookbinder = Bookbinder()
- Parse ePub file by one line
let ebook = bookbinder.bindBook(at: ePubFileURL)
- Ready made interface of ebook
// cover image let coverImageURLs = ebook.coverImageURLs // toc let tocURL = ebook.tocURL // ncx let ncx = ebook.ncx // primary spine items let pages = ebook.pages // others let mainAuthor = ebook.opf.metadata.creators.first ...
- Playground in
// study `Bookbinder` from unit test let ebook = EPUBBook(identifier: "Alice's_Adventures_in_Wonderland", contentsOf: url) expect(ebook).notTo(beNil()) expect(ebook?.identifier).to(equal("Alice's_Adventures_in_Wonderland")) expect(ebook?.baseURL).to(equal(url)) expect(ebook?.resourceBaseURL).to(equal(url.appendingPathComponent("epub"))) expect(ebook?.container).notTo(beNil()) expect(ebook?.opf).notTo(beNil()) expect(ebook?.uniqueID).to(equal("url:")) expect(ebook?.releaseID).to(equal("\(ebook?.uniqueID ?? "")@2017-03-09T17:21:15Z")) expect(ebook?.publicationDate).to(equal(ISO8601DateFormatter().date(from: "2015-05-12T00:01:00Z"))) ...
Advanced Usage
- Create bookbinder instance with custom configuration
let configuration = BookbinderConfiguration(rootURL: customRootURL) let bookbinder = Bookbinder(configuration: configuration)
- Subclass EPUBBook
class CustomBook: EPUBBook { lazy var firstAuthors: [String] = { return opf.metadata.creators }() lazy var secondAuthors: [String] = { return opf.metadata.contributors }() ... } let bookbinder = Bookbinder() let ebook = bookbinder.bindBook(at: url, to: CustomBook.self)
- Custom OPF XPath
import Kanna struct GuideRef { let title: String let href: String let type: String init(_ reference: XMLElement) { title = reference["title"] ?? "" href = reference["href"] ?? "" type = reference["type"] ?? "" } } class CustomBook: EPUBBook { // lazy var guideRefs: [GuideRef] = { var refs = [GuideRef]() let xpath = "/opf:package/opf:guide/opf:reference" let references = opf.document.xpath(xpath, namespaces: XPath.opf.namespace) for reference in references { refs.append(GuideRef(reference)) } return refs }() ... }
Please add it to your Cartfile
github "stonezhl/Bookbinder" ~> 1.0.0
Please add it to your Podfile
pod 'Bookbinder', '~> 1.0.0'
Bookbinder is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for details.