ChitChat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ChitChat copied to clipboard

copy and paste is not supported

Open Ahmed707707 opened this issue 8 years ago • 6 comments

copy and paste option is not supported!!

Ahmed707707 avatar Oct 12 '15 10:10 Ahmed707707

Can you be a bit more specific? I cannot seem to reproduce this.. What are you trying to copy?

joostrijneveld avatar Oct 19 '15 21:10 joostrijneveld

copy and paste text is fine but it doest work with image.

Ahmed707707 avatar Oct 24 '15 16:10 Ahmed707707

I have the same issue. When trying to paste an image it does not work. The only way to do it is to drag it, and this only works sometimes (Haven't been able to figure out when exactly.)

grantstephens avatar Dec 02 '15 08:12 grantstephens

Would be very nice if it was possible to paste an image into ChitChat. I'm always having to save to a file and then drag it in, which is a bit of a faff.

GraemeF avatar Dec 07 '15 16:12 GraemeF

Pasting would be very useful (ex. for screenshots).

mrgluek avatar Jan 20 '16 15:01 mrgluek

yep, +1 for pasting images from buffer, I often use screenshot sending in my conversations :)

harrykiselev avatar Mar 03 '16 12:03 harrykiselev