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bug: slow-SQL-Q16-when subquery use not like and not in sql on 10GB data spend too much time

Open adofsauron opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

Describe the problem

  1. use tpch data
  2. execute sql

` select p_brand, p_type, p_size, count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt from partsupp, part where p_partkey = ps_partkey and p_brand <> 'Brand#45' and p_type not like 'MEDIUM POLISHED%' and p_size in (49, 14, 23, 45, 19, 3, 36, 9) and ps_suppkey not in ( select s_suppkey from supplier where s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%' ) group by p_brand, p_type, p_size order by supplier_cnt desc, p_brand, p_type, p_size;


Expected behavior

No response

How To Reproduce

No response


No response

Are you interested in submitting a PR to solve the problem?

  • [X] Yes, I will!

adofsauron avatar Jul 28 '22 14:07 adofsauron

摘要: 由于100GB数据量时执行Q16发生了OOM,以10GB数据量作为测试




mysql> explain select -> p_brand, -> p_type, -> p_size, -> count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt -> from -> partsupp, -> part -> where -> p_partkey = ps_partkey -> and p_brand <> 'Brand#45' -> and p_type not like 'MEDIUM POLISHED%' -> and p_size in (49, -> 14, -> 23, -> 45, -> 19, -> 3, -> 36, -> 9) -> and ps_suppkey not in ( -> select -> s_suppkey -> from -> supplier -> where -> s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%' ) -> group by -> p_brand, -> p_type, -> p_size -> order by -> supplier_cnt desc, -> p_brand, -> p_type, -> p_size\G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: PRIMARY table: partsupp partitions: NULL type: ALL possible_keys: PRIMARY key: NULL key_len: NULL ref: NULL rows: 8000000 filtered: 100.00 Extra: Using where with pushed condition (not(<in_optimizer>(tpch.partsupp.ps_suppkey,tpch.partsupp.ps_suppkey in ( (/* select#2 */ select tpch.supplier.s_suppkey from tpch.supplier where (tpch.supplier.s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%') ), <primary_index_lookup>(tpch.partsupp.ps_suppkey in on <auto_key> where ((tpch.partsupp.ps_suppkey = materialized-subquery.s_suppkey)))))))(t0) Pckrows: 2, susp. 2 (0 empty 0 full). Conditions: 1; Using temporary; Using filesort *************************** 2. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: PRIMARY table: part partitions: NULL type: eq_ref possible_keys: PRIMARY key: PRIMARY key_len: 4 ref: tpch.partsupp.ps_partkey rows: 1 filtered: 40.00 Extra: Using where with pushed condition ((tpch.part.p_brand <> 'Brand#45') and (not((tpch.part.p_type like 'MEDIUM POLISHED%'))) and (tpch.part.p_size in (49,14,23,45,19,3,36,9)))(t0) Pckrows: 31, susp. 31 (0 empty 0 full). Conditions: 3 *************************** 3. row *************************** id: 2 select_type: SUBQUERY table: supplier partitions: NULL type: ALL possible_keys: PRIMARY key: NULL key_len: NULL ref: NULL rows: 100000 filtered: 11.11 Extra: Using where with pushed condition (tpch.supplier.s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%')(t0) Pckrows: 2, susp. 2 (0 empty 0 full). Conditions: 1 3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.02 sec)


slow-16-hash-paral-20220807Aug081659879007 mysql

adofsauron avatar Aug 09 '22 02:08 adofsauron


摘要: 分析mysql/innodb如何处理Q17


  1. 内存: 8GB
  2. cpu: 8核心, 3.2GHz
  3. mysql: 8.0.28


mysql> explain select -> p_brand, -> p_type, -> p_size, -> count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt -> from -> partsupp, -> part -> where -> p_partkey = ps_partkey -> and p_brand <> 'Brand#45' -> and p_type not like 'MEDIUM POLISHED%' -> and p_size in (49, 14, 23, 45, 19, 3, 36, 9) -> and ps_suppkey not in ( -> select -> s_suppkey -> from -> supplier -> where -> s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%' -> ) -> group by -> p_brand, -> p_type, -> p_size -> order by -> supplier_cnt desc, -> p_brand, -> p_type, -> p_size\G ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query No connection. Trying to reconnect... Connection id: 8 Current database: tpch

*************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: part partitions: NULL type: ALL possible_keys: PRIMARY key: NULL key_len: NULL ref: NULL rows: 1887933 filtered: 40.00 Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort *************************** 2. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: partsupp partitions: NULL type: ref possible_keys: PRIMARY key: PRIMARY key_len: 4 ref: tpch.part.p_partkey rows: 3 filtered: 100.00 Extra: Using index *************************** 3. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: partitions: NULL type: eq_ref possible_keys: <auto_distinct_key> key: <auto_distinct_key> key_len: 5 ref: tpch.partsupp.ps_suppkey rows: 1 filtered: 100.00 Extra: Using where; Not exists *************************** 4. row *************************** id: 2 select_type: MATERIALIZED table: supplier partitions: NULL type: ALL possible_keys: PRIMARY key: NULL key_len: NULL ref: NULL rows: 99026 filtered: 100.00 Extra: Using where 4 rows in set, 1 warning (0.04 sec)


supplier_cnt: 4 27840 rows in set (1 min 1.96 sec)



adofsauron avatar Aug 09 '22 02:08 adofsauron

摘要: 分析Q16执行耗时究竟在哪里




  1. 占用时间的大头在物化中的aggregate


[2022-08-09 21:58:35.661551] [61425] [INFO] [temp_table.cpp:2043] MSG: Timer 0.006423 : TempTable::Materialize over [2022-08-09 21:58:40.601132] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:75] MSG: AggregationAlgorithm [AggregationAlgorithm::Aggregate start] memLeft: 250803432 [2022-08-09 21:59:02.272033] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.776923 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 7422784 [2022-08-09 21:59:06.900646] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.618125 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 7118920 [2022-08-09 21:59:11.049991] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.138833 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6388664 [2022-08-09 21:59:14.729436] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.668982 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5536700 [2022-08-09 21:59:18.003550] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.263696 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4867184 [2022-08-09 21:59:20.815750] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.801977 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4077864 [2022-08-09 21:59:23.193645] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.367468 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3287136 [2022-08-09 21:59:25.129056] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.924884 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2558128 [2022-08-09 21:59:26.635697] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.496256 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1828284 [2022-08-09 21:59:27.625411] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.979455 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 916828 [2022-08-09 21:59:28.247990] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.611987 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 243348 [2022-08-09 21:59:46.427592] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.695173 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 7301112 [2022-08-09 21:59:50.880305] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.442508 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6936244 [2022-08-09 21:59:54.887755] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.997080 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6145216 [2022-08-09 21:59:58.459334] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.561216 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5354064 [2022-08-09 22:00:01.555317] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.085863 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4563312 [2022-08-09 22:00:04.354050] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.788534 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3895536 [2022-08-09 22:00:06.712467] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.347400 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3165648 [2022-08-09 22:00:08.510846] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.787973 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2315076 [2022-08-09 22:00:09.853298] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.331898 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1524584 [2022-08-09 22:00:10.709280] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.845440 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 673088 [2022-08-09 22:00:23.493576] [61196] [INFO] [engine.cpp:1352] MSG: Command: select 4/4, update 0/0, insert 0/0, load 0/0, queries 0/11 [2022-08-09 22:00:23.493703] [61196] [INFO] [engine.cpp:1364] MSG: Select: 0/1, Loaded: 0/0(0/0), dup: 0/0, insert: 0/0, failed insert: 0/0, update: 0/0 [2022-08-09 22:00:26.931971] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.573716 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 7118920 [2022-08-09 22:00:31.343835] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.401538 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6875492 [2022-08-09 22:00:35.261567] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.907601 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6023624 [2022-08-09 22:00:38.722789] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.450872 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5232348 [2022-08-09 22:00:41.677207] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.942256 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4320688 [2022-08-09 22:00:44.200292] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.512840 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3591280 [2022-08-09 22:00:46.202083] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.991442 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2679604 [2022-08-09 22:00:47.783475] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.571247 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1949916 [2022-08-09 22:00:48.879044] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.085403 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1099112 [2022-08-09 22:00:49.574514] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.685280 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 369464 [2022-08-09 22:01:03.876123] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.413452 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6875492 [2022-08-09 22:01:08.099446] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.213053 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6571080 [2022-08-09 22:01:11.822763] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.712914 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5658540 [2022-08-09 22:01:15.064234] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.231342 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4867320 [2022-08-09 22:01:17.856746] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.782235 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4077708 [2022-08-09 22:01:20.225255] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.358306 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3348056 [2022-08-09 22:01:22.078699] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.842210 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2436356 [2022-08-09 22:01:23.378127] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.289039 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1463748 [2022-08-09 22:01:23.494066] [61196] [INFO] [engine.cpp:1352] MSG: Command: select 5/9, update 0/0, insert 0/0, load 0/0, queries 12/23 [2022-08-09 22:01:23.494132] [61196] [INFO] [engine.cpp:1364] MSG: Select: 0/1, Loaded: 0/0(0/0), dup: 0/0, insert: 0/0, failed insert: 0/0, update: 0/0 [2022-08-09 22:01:24.266861] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.877328 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 733792 [2022-08-09 22:01:36.696847] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 4.241217 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6632096 [2022-08-09 22:01:40.624744] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.917591 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6084336 [2022-08-09 22:01:44.073692] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.438733 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5232348 [2022-08-09 22:01:47.027979] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.943680 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4381292 [2022-08-09 22:01:49.461790] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.423435 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3469804 [2022-08-09 22:01:51.416958] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.944651 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2619084 [2022-08-09 22:01:52.851393] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.423935 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1706776 [2022-08-09 22:01:53.770386] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.908534 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 794732 [2022-08-09 22:02:04.250603] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.988361 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 6266932 [2022-08-09 22:02:07.795016] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.534161 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5475808 [2022-08-09 22:02:10.759909] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.954689 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4441772 [2022-08-09 22:02:13.189040] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.418797 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 3469804 [2022-08-09 22:02:15.051540] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.852128 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2497300 [2022-08-09 22:02:16.336874] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.274991 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 1463748 [2022-08-09 22:02:17.061614] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.714381 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 430320 [2022-08-09 22:02:23.494450] [61196] [INFO] [engine.cpp:1352] MSG: Command: select 0/9, update 0/0, insert 0/0, load 0/0, queries 0/23 [2022-08-09 22:02:23.494525] [61196] [INFO] [engine.cpp:1364] MSG: Select: 0/1, Loaded: 0/0(0/0), dup: 0/0, insert: 0/0, failed insert: 0/0, update: 0/0 [2022-08-09 22:02:25.310746] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 3.435298 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 5414948 [2022-08-09 22:02:28.054595] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 2.733469 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 4138488 [2022-08-09 22:02:29.924268] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 1.859229 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 2558256 [2022-08-09 22:02:30.934135] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.999507 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 977548 [2022-08-09 22:02:35.003509] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:539] MSG: Timer 0.957001 : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan index: 912740 [2022-08-09 22:02:35.009082] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:253] MSG: Timer 234.252762 : AggregationAlgorithm::Aggregate MultiDimensionalGroupByScan [2022-08-09 22:02:35.009615] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:267] MSG: Timer 234.408798 : AggregationAlgorithm::Aggregate over aggregate_time: 234.408798 [2022-08-09 22:02:35.009875] [61425] [INFO] [aggregation_algorithm.cpp:75] MSG: AggregationAlgorithm [AggregationAlgorithm::Aggregate over] memLeft: 250378324 [2022-08-09 22:02:36.327052] [61425] [INFO] [temp_table.cpp:2043] MSG: Timer 235.726242 : TempTable::Materialize over



void AggregationAlgorithm::MultiDimensionalDistinctScan(GroupByWrapper &gbw, MIIterator &mit) { // NOTE: to maintain distinct cache compatibility, rows must be visited in the // same order! MEASURE_FET("TempTable::MultiDimensionalDistinctScan(GroupByWrapper& gbw)"); while (gbw.AnyOmittedByDistinct()) { // any distincts omitted? => // another pass needed // Some displays int64_t max_size_for_display = 0; for (int i = gbw.NumOfGroupingAttrs(); i < gbw.NumOfAttrs(); i++) if (gbw.distinct_watch.OmittedFilter(i) && gbw.distinct_watch.OmittedFilter(i)->NumOfOnes() > max_size_for_display) max_size_for_display = gbw.distinct_watch.OmittedFilter(i)->NumOfOnes(); rccontrol.lock(m_conn->GetThreadID()) << "Next distinct pass: " << max_size_for_display << " rows left" << system::unlock;

gbw.RewindDistinctBuffers();  // reset buffers for a new contents, rewind
                              // cache

std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point outer_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

for (int distinct_attr = gbw.NumOfGroupingAttrs(); distinct_attr < gbw.NumOfAttrs(); distinct_attr++) {
  Filter *omit_filter = gbw.distinct_watch.OmittedFilter(distinct_attr);
  if (omit_filter && !omit_filter->IsEmpty()) {
    int64_t cur_tuple = 0;
    int64_t uniform_pos = common::NULL_VALUE_64;
    bool require_locking = true;

    std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    int index = 0;
    while (mit.IsValid()) {
      if (mit.PackrowStarted()) {
        if (m_conn->Killed()) throw common::KilledException();
        // All packrow-level operations
        bool skip_packrow = false;
        bool packrow_done = false;
        bool part_omitted = false;
        bool stop_all = false;
        int64_t packrow_length = mit.GetPackSizeLeft();
        // Check whether the packrow contain any not aggregated rows
        if (omit_filter->IsEmptyBetween(cur_tuple, cur_tuple + packrow_length - 1))
          skip_packrow = true;
        else {
          int64_t rows_in_pack = omit_filter->NumOfOnesBetween(cur_tuple, cur_tuple + packrow_length - 1);
          bool agg_not_changeable = false;
          AggregateRough(gbw, mit, packrow_done, part_omitted, agg_not_changeable, stop_all, uniform_pos,
                         rows_in_pack, 1, distinct_attr);
          if (packrow_done) {  // This packrow will not be needed any more
            omit_filter->ResetBetween(cur_tuple, cur_tuple + packrow_length - 1);
            gbw.OmitInCache(distinct_attr, packrow_length);
        if (skip_packrow) {
          cur_tuple += packrow_length;
        require_locking = true;  // a new packrow, so locking will be needed

      // All row-level operations
      if (omit_filter->Get(cur_tuple)) {
        bool value_successfully_aggregated = false;
        if (gbw.CacheValid(distinct_attr)) {
          value_successfully_aggregated = gbw.PutCachedValue(distinct_attr);
        } else {
          // Locking etc.
          if (require_locking) {
            gbw.LockPack(distinct_attr, mit);
            if (uniform_pos != common::PLUS_INF_64)
              for (int gr_a = 0; gr_a < gbw.NumOfGroupingAttrs(); gr_a++) gbw.LockPack(gr_a, mit);
            require_locking = false;

          int64_t pos = 0;
          bool existed = true;
          if (uniform_pos != common::PLUS_INF_64)
            pos = uniform_pos;  // existed == true, as above
          else {                // Construct the grouping vector
            for (int gr_a = 0; gr_a < gbw.NumOfGroupingAttrs(); gr_a++) {
              if (gbw.ColumnNotOmitted(gr_a)) gbw.PutGroupingValue(gr_a, mit);
            existed = gbw.FindCurrentRow(pos);
          ASSERT(existed && pos != common::NULL_VALUE_64, "row does not exist");
          value_successfully_aggregated = gbw.PutAggregatedValue(distinct_attr, pos, mit);
        if (value_successfully_aggregated) omit_filter->ResetDelayed(cur_tuple);


    auto diff = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float>>(
        std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start);
    TIANMU_LOG(LogCtl_Level::INFO, "Timer %f : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan mit index: %d ",
               diff.count(), index);

    omit_filter->Commit();  // committing delayed resets

auto outer_diff =
    std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float>>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - outer_diff);
TIANMU_LOG(LogCtl_Level::INFO, "Timer %f : MultiDimensionalDistinctScan outer", outer_diff.count());

gbw.UpdateDistinctCaches();  // take into account values already counted

} }

adofsauron avatar Aug 11 '22 02:08 adofsauron