Michael Hemingway
Michael Hemingway
_Just_ finished completing this project, printed this on an Ender 3. I had to omit the tiny fasteners due to the very tight tolerances needed around the shutter assembly &...
@phenomeus That's right, standing tall, printed with the camera-insert side touching the build plate. I did this to minimize supports, which were a pain to remove. Simple skirt around the...
Hey @OliverXH! I hope you got your project working by now :) For those here looking for help, [here's an example](https://codesandbox.io/s/bouncing-diamond-mcr3b?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark) of a glTF (.glb) blender-made-and-exported model loaded into a...
The shape must be convex for the collision math to work. If there is a "depression in it", that sounds like the shape isn't convex, and this will lead to...
It is not. Cannon does not check if a mesh is Convex (it's actually a pending todo). You can use Three utilities to generate a convex mesh, but that will...
This is not a bug in expo-three, r3f does not presently support React-Native.
What does your BlurView component look like?
Hey, to those interested in adding more stuff: the heightmap commit omits some objects I thought would be cool to have as non-static (logs in the camp, some barriers, cactii)....
Hey @Charlie-Hua, that's a great idea. This should make it to the canonical implementation; as niche as the the feature may be, it's incredibly useful for simulator vs real-device-only pods...
Take your server instantiation out of `useEffect`, you're using the hook improperly.