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👇 Add capacitive touch buttons to any FPGA!
:point_down: captouch
- Capacitive Touch Buttons for any FPGA!
- Electrical Requirements
- Example Setup
- Theory of Operation
Top Entity
- Configuration Generics
- Interface Signals
- Fine-Tuning
- Simulation
Rationale I was thinking about adding a capacitive touch interface to the NEORV32 RISC-V Processor. A software library (something like Microchip's QTouch :registered:) seems feasible, but might eat up a lot of CPU power. But since we are in the world of FPGAs, a dedicated hardware module seems to be the better approach. I finally decided to implement this as a stand-alone project as it might be a handy SoC building block for any custom setup.
The captouch
capacitive touch controller allows to convert any FPGA's IO pin into a capacitive push button.
If a finger gets close enough to a touch button the controller recognizes this by a change of capacitance.
The button status output is filtered to provide reliable operation without metastability. Via an internal
calibration process, which can be re-triggered any time, the controller automatically adapts itself to setup's
electrical characteristics.
:bulb: The VHDL source code is written in a platform-independent way - no device-specific libraries, primitives, macros or attributes are used.
The controller can operate in stand-alone mode (imagine a tiny Lattice iCE40 FPGA turned into a multi-channel touch controller), as controller for custom logic or as fancy user interface attached to a soft-core processor system.
Electrical Requirements
The capacitive buttons ("pads") need to be made from conductive material like PCB copper areas coated with solder mask. Each pad requires an individual pull-up resistor (~1M Ohm) that connects the pad to the FPGA's IO supply. Any FPGA pin can be used as pad interface as long as the pin supports tri-state bi-directional functionality.
:bulb: The touch pads also work if a finger directly touches the pad creating an ohmic contact. Hence, the controller can also be used to turn bare copper contacts into touch buttons (like the FOMU FPGA board "buttons"). The approach using this controller is more reliable then just using copper pads as direct input. However, this is not really recommended (ESD!).
Example Setup
My test setups implements 3 capacitive buttons. Each button is tied to the IO supply (3.3.V) via 1M pull-up resistors.
The actual pads are made from kitchen aluminum foil wrapped around bare copper wires and are insulated with two
layers of Tesafilm (transparent Scotch Tape). The FPGA is an Intel Cyclone IV running at 100MHz. The four left-most LEDs
are used to display the captouch
controller status: "calibration done" status (ready_o
) on the far-left followed by three
LEDs showing the current touch button states (touch_o
(gif made with imgflip)
Note that this is not(!) an optimal setup. :wink: Using long and twisted cables might keep the capacitance of the individual wires quite identical but also leads to intense crosstalk (between the wires themselves and also between the wires and basically everything around).
Mapping results for an Intel Cyclone IV EP4CE22F17C6
FPGA using 3 capacitive buttons (NUM_PADS
= 3):
Logic Cells: 145
Dedicated Logic Registers: 78
Theory of Operation
The controller uses the fact that greater capacitors need more time to charge when powered by a limited current source (which is a very high pull-up resistor in this case). The touch pads serve as variable capacitors in this setup. If there is no finger next to them they have a fixed base capacitance defined by the conductive pad area (and it's surroundings). If a finger comes close to a pad the finger acts as additional electrode increasing the pad's capacitance.
As an illustration the following (crappy) image shows two exemplary charging curves: The curve reaching the IO buffer's
trigger voltage U_trig
at time T_base
represents a touch pad with no finger close to it. The second curve that reaches
at T_pushed
represents a "pushed" capacitive button. U_IO
is the supply voltage of the FPIO IO bank that is
used to connect the capacitive pads.
The time it takes to charge a pad back to U_IO
is defined by the capacitance of the pad (the electrode area) and the
pull-up resistor. The pad's potential (charging level/voltage) is an analog value that is turned into a digital value
by the hysteresis of the FPGA's input buffers. Internal synchronization registers make sure there is no metastability left.
The controller measures the time until a discharged pad (temporarily tied to ground) takes until it is charged to the supply voltage. After reset, the controller enters calibration mode. It discharges all pads first and initializes an internal counter to zero. After that, the pad's FPGA pins are switched to input mode. Now the pads charge via the external pull-up resistors. As soon as all pads are charged, the controller stops the time measuring counter and leaves calibration mode.
:bulb: Make sure to keep your fingers away from the pads during calibration to allow the controller to determine the pad's base capacitance.
The counter state, which indicates the required sample cycles until all pads were fully charged, is used to compute
a threshold. The computation is configured by the SENSITIVITY
generic. Based on this generic,
the controller adds a certain offset to the counter value, which results in the final threshold. Basically, this offset
represents the additional capacitance (your finger) required to trigger the "pushed" state of the pads. There are further
configuration options to customize the sensitivity - see section Fine-Tuning for more information.
:bulb: The controller uses a global threshold value for all pads. Hence, the final threshold is defined by the pad with highest base capacitance. If you want to use different touch pads with very different sizes (= very different base capacitances) you should better use individual controllers for each differently-sized pad type.
Now controller enters normal operation mode, which is an endless loop. The loop starts again with discharging all pads. After that, the pads charge again and a counter keeps incrementing. As soon as the counter reaches the threshold value, the current state of the pads (a binary value: fully charged or not) is sampled.
Several sampling results are stored into a buffer to stabilize ("filter") the current pad state. This final pad state is output and indicated whether a capacitive button is "pushed" or not.
Top Entity
The top entity is captouch
It can be instantiated right away - no special/device-specific libraries are required at all.
entity captouch is
generic (
F_CLOCK : integer; -- frequency of clk_i in Hz
NUM_PADS : integer; -- number of touch pads
SENSITIVITY : integer -- 1=high, 2=medium, 3=low
port (
-- global control --
clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- clock
rstn_i : in std_ulogic; -- async reset, low-active
rstn_sync_i : in std_ulogic; -- sync reset, low-active
-- status --
ready_o : out std_ulogic; -- system calibration done when high
touch_o : out std_ulogic_vector(NUM_PADS-1 downto 0); -- touch pads state
-- touch pads --
pad_io : inout std_logic_vector(NUM_PADS-1 downto 0) -- capacitive touch pads
end captouch;
:bulb: All interface signals are of type std_ulogic
except for the bi-directional tri-state
capacitive pad interface that is of type std_logic_vector
(resolved type; only relevant for simulation).
:bulb: The controller uses only a single clock domain. Internal clocks use pre-scalers and clock enables rather than real derived clocks.
:bulb: The controller clock speed F_CLOCK
should be greater than the internal pad sampling frequency
(see Fine-Tuning).
Configuration Generics
Name | Type | Description |
integer | clock frequency of the clk_i input signal in Hz |
integer | number of capacitive pads to implement (min 1) |
integer | sensitivity level (1=high, 2=medium, 3=low) |
level defines the minimum required increase of the pad's capacitance (C_base
+ C_hand
in order to detect the button as "pushed":
- high: +6.25%
- medium: +12.5%
- low: +25%
Interface Signals
Name | Direction | Width | Description |
clk_i |
input | 1 | main clock |
rstn_i |
input | 1 | asynchronous reset, low-active; connect this to the system's global reset network |
rstn_sync_i |
input | 1 | synchronous reset, low-active; this signal provides the same functionality as rstn_i but can also be used to (re-)trigger calibration by the application logic |
ready_o |
output | 1 | after reset is released, this signal goes high when calibration is done and the controller enters normal operation mode |
touch_o |
output | NUM_PADS |
state of the according touch pad (0 = not pushed, 1 = pushed) |
pad_io |
bidirectional | NUM_PADS |
capacitive touch pads, each pad requires an individual pull-up resistor |
:bulb: The status outputs (ready_o
and touch_o
) are synchronized to the input clock (clk_i
The VHDL source file provides additional configuration constants for fine-tuning:
-- configuration --
constant f_sample_c : integer := 3300000; -- pad sample frequency in Hz
constant scnt_size_c : integer := 11; -- pad sample counter size in bits
constant f_output_c : integer := 10; -- max output state change frequency in Hz
constant filter_size_c : integer := 3; -- output filter size in bits
Constant | Default | Description |
f_sample_c |
3300000 (3.3MHz) | Pad sample frequency |
scnt_size_c |
11 (bits) | Pad sample time counter width, increments with f_sample_c |
f_output_c |
10 (10Hz) | Maximum frequency the final output touch_o can change per second |
filter_size_c |
3 (bits) | Number of PAD samples used to define touch_o output state (all filter_size_c samples above threshold -> output high; all filter_size_c samples below threshold -> output low) |
:bulb: The sampling frequency f_sample_c
and the sample counter width scnt_size_c
define the actual resolution
of the touch controller (higher sample frequency and wider counter -> higher resolution). You might need to experiment
with these two values to find the perfect resolution for your specific pad configuration.
:warning: If scnt_size_c
is too small, the controller will fail calibration process (ready_o
stays low).
The projects provides a very simple testbench (to check the controller-internal states only - no simulation of
the capacitive touch pads yet) sim/captouch.vhd
, which
can be simulated by GHDL via the provides script (sim/
captouch/sim$ sh
The default simulation will run for 2ms using a 100MHz clock and 4 touch pads. The waveform data is stored to sim/captouch.vcd
so it can be viewed using gtkwave:
captouch/sim$ gtkwave captouch.vcd
This project is released under the BSD-3-Clause License.
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