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Flask MQTT on_connect is never called when used with SocketIO
I am trying to implement an MQTT to Web Socket bridge on the lines of your helpful example https://flask-mqtt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#interact-with-socketio
In the above example, subscribing to the MQTT topic is triggered by the socket client. But I want my MQTT channel to keep communicating even if there is no socket client.
So I tried to subscribe in the @mqtt.on_connect() event. But that callback is never invoked. But once subscription is initiated using a socket, MQTT messages start flowing in all right.
The plain Flask-MQTT example works fine. The callback fails when Socket support is added to it. So I am curious to know how async_mode and socketio.run() interact with the MQTT life cycle events. Especially since multiple workers are not supported.
I have posted a minimum reproducible sample code here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64592277/flask-mqtt-on-connect-is-never-called-when-used-with-socketio
I'm having this same problem. I even modified the source through this function here:
def _handle_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
# type: (Client, Any, Dict, int) -> None
self.connected = True
for key, item in self.topics.items():
self.client.subscribe(topic=item.topic, qos=item.qos)
if self._connect_handler is not None:
logger.debug("Internally handling MQTT connection...\nPassing off to user handler: " + str(self._connect_handler))
self._connect_handler(client, userdata, flags, rc)
This function is FLask-MQTT
's internal on_connect()
callback to PahoMQTT
. I added the logger.debug
line right before the client callback is supposed to be called (the one defined by @mqtt.on_connect()
). The log output shows it correctly gets to this location in the callback but fails to execute the client callback directly.
Here is what my callback looks like:
def mqtt_connect_cb(client, userdata, flags, rc):
app.logger.debug("MQTT Connected!")
And here is my output:
7:01:05 PM web.1 | [2020-11-16 19:01:05,712] DEBUG in init: Internally handling MQTT connection... 7:01:05 PM web.1 | Passing off to user handler: <function mqtt_connect_cb at 0x7f4b7690ebf8>
My callback is registered correctly and I would expect to see "MQTT Connected!"
in the logs. But when it's time to call it, nothing happens.
EDIT: I should also note that this problem happens when I'm creating my application through the Factory method. When I was tinkering with Flask-MQTT + Socketio in a single test file, both libraries were able to work properly.
Can you please elaborate on "Flask-MQTT + Socketio in a single test file.. work properly" ? Please see my sample code here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64592277/flask-mqtt-on-connect-is-never-called-when-used-with-socketio This is a single file implementation, but it does not work for me. Can you please post the relevant pieces of your initialization code where on_connect() is invoked correctly ?
Can you please elaborate on "Flask-MQTT + Socketio in a single test file.. work properly" ? Please see my sample code here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64592277/flask-mqtt-on-connect-is-never-called-when-used-with-socketio This is a single file implementation, but it does not work for me. Can you please post the relevant pieces of your initialization code where on_connect() is invoked correctly ?
My single file test looks similar to yours except I initiated the SocketIO object without the async_mode='gevent', cors_allowed_origins="*"
I'm running the server through eventlet
I'm also having the same issue where on_connect is never called, so therefor I can't automatically subscribe my default topics.
The main issue seems to be until you establish the initial connection to Flask from the browser then socketio threads don't start. I also tried with before_first_request but that also required an initial request to start the main threads.
My use case is I am trying to run a flask + mqtt + socketio site, where flask and mqtt should start as background processes and subscribe to the topics I want to and process those events even if a browser has never connected.
Would love to see this bug fixed.
when i simply added call to mqtt.subscribe() just before socketio.run() it works.
@Osmiogrzesznik, mqtt.subscribe() works for me, and I am able to receive messages. But the issue is when to subscribe. I want to do it whenever a connection is established, so that even if reconnects, my subscription is renewed automatically. But the life cycle event mqtt.on_connect() is never invoked.
I have the same problem.
Let me look into this. Will get back to you soon :)
I have the same problem.
@urbanskalar can you elaborate your problem?
I created a gist here: https://gist.github.com/Sohaib90/07a616c0dfe8e8d4eab24d2d60ece2b1, which follows the same pattern as https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64592277/flask-mqtt-on-connect-is-never-called-when-used-with-socketio except that I do not use async_mode='gevent', cors_allowed_origins="*"
In my gist, on line 58, I print "Connected to MQTT broker" and proceed to subscribe to a test topic and also print that to get this result:
You can see here that the call is invoked and I do get to subscribe to the test_topic
and also see that it is populated in the topics
attribute of the mqtt object
Unless I am doing something wrong here, shouldnt this be the expected outcome and that the callback is being invoked?
@Sohaib90, I see that you are subscribing to MQTT on socketio.on('subscribe') also. This is probably a client-initiated call. Can you please disable this and try again?
def handle_subscribe(json_str):
data = json.loads(json_str)
mqtt.subscribe(data['topic'], data['qos'])
The only other difference I can think of is the way gevent and eventlet handle background tasks. You are monkey-patching eventlet, so this may have eliminated some underlying problem in async mode compatibility. I am only guessing here. Somebody familiar with Flask-MQTT source code can throw light on this.
I have the same problem.
@urbanskalar can you elaborate your problem?
Hey sorry for late reply. I kind of moved on from this problem now, so I might give you some inaccurate info. Basically, when I first tried to implement this, I wasn't aware of the example here. I was only following the documentation. At that time I was still using app.run() instead of socketio.run(). Also my code didn't include lines eventlet.monkey_patch(), socketio = SocketIO (app) and bootstrap = Bootstrap(app). I still don't understand why it didn't worked without that. At some point I started thinking maybe I am doing something wrong.
Call me crazy but if you init socketio before mqtt it works :shrug:
app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app, logger=True, cors_allowed_origins="*")
mqtt = flask_mqtt.Mqtt(app)
Does not work:
app = Flask(__name__)
mqtt = flask_mqtt.Mqtt(app)
socketio = SocketIO(app, logger=True, cors_allowed_origins="*")
Not sure why this is working for me?
Also ran into this issue. I had not SocketIO, but Influx between call to flask_mqtt.Mqtt(app) and on_connect callback.
Looks like any delay can mess things up:
import flask
import flask_mqtt
import time
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.config['MQTT_BROKER_URL'] = 'localhost'
mqtt = flask_mqtt.Mqtt(app)
time.sleep(1) # bad, bad, bad!
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print('connected?') # nope, does not print
if __name__ == '__main__':
My limited understanding tells me that Mqtt.__init__
manages to complete a connection before on_connect callback gets registered.
Perhaps there is an argument somewhere for delayed connect - execute connect only after flask is up and running. Perhaps not. All the best.