NavigationSearchBarModifier icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
NavigationSearchBarModifier copied to clipboard

A clean way to attach a search bar with a scope bar in SwiftUI.


Build for the latest iOS Build for iOS 14 beta

A clean way to attach a search bar with a scope bar in SwiftUI.


import SwiftUI
import NavigationSearchBarModifier

struct GroceryList: View {
    let groceries: [Grocery]
    @State private var searchControllerIsPresented = false
    @State private var searchTerm: String?
    private var scopes: [String]? = ["Fruit", "Vegetable"]
    @State private var selectedScope: Int = 0
    private var predicate: (Grocery) -> Bool {
        if let searchTerm = searchTerm {
            return { grocery in
        } else {
            return { _ in true }
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(groceries.filter(predicate)) { grocery in
                searchControllerIsPresented: $searchControllerIsPresented,
                searchTerm: $searchTerm,
                searchScopes: scopes,
                selectedSearchScope: $selectedScope,
                hidesWhenScrolling: true