
Results 169 comments of stla

Hello, This XML file is provided in Asymptote distributions (there's an executable which generates it, more precisely). The instructions in the README explain how to add a XML for command-line...

Hello @ChiragJhawar . Currently this is not possible. I will try to implement this feature today. But this will be possible only with Shiny. Can you use a Shiny app...

Perfect. Wait a minute, this is done and this works :)

You can install the latest version. The example below is taken from `?updateAmBarChart`. ![rAmCharts4_updateAmBarChart](

Hi. We can discuss here if you want, so that the folks can read the discussion. For a question about coding, please use StackOverflow, I will reply.

You mean you want a *stacked* bar chart? This is not implemented yet.

No, you can't do that. I have to implement it. Perhaps I will do it soon. Cheers.

@ChiragJhawar [Some progress]( (not everything finished yet). Please use this other issue to discuss about the stacked bar chart.

Don't use `ifelse` for lists. Do: ```r observeEvent( input$node_select, nodes(if(input$node_select == "n1") nodes1 else nodes2) ) ``` and the second child will appear as expected. I'm working on the other...

Not sure why but it works if you comment a line: ```r output$dirtree2_ui