devika copied to clipboard
Devika starts searching the internet and then it hangs with no action later on...
i want it to create a test single-page website with data on world's population, there's no problem with communication between local ollama LLM and devika and it even starts to search the web for data. it visits two webpages and then there is no action, cpu and gpu usage is none. what might be the case?
On my end it browsed two pages, and stuck on Writing Code (as internal dialogue) - already waiting for more than an hour and it seems it's in a infinite loop
same for me, however in my case it managed to visit three websites :D
Same, it wrote some code once before getting stuck, otherwise same as above.
same for me, sometime I was confused, is it really work now?
Same here. Are you all also experiencing an additional problem where nothing is displayed in the terminal? asking, as they might be related
anche io stesso problema
Same here. The browser and terminal display nothing, but project has been created.
All right! Can you tell me what API did you use and what prompt you applied?
@qwaszaq I'm using the OpenAI and Bing APIs, and my prompt is 'Give me a python code with KNN classify iris datasets.' I just pulled the latest version, and the terminal seems to be working successfully, but the browser still isn't working. :(
Thanx ! I just wonder if anyone has used Google search api?
According to this YouTube video, around the 6:40 mark, it seems there was support for Google Search previously, but now only Bing Search remains.
same here, it goes to few search results and then freezes, but I do see that sometimes it does write the code in the projects folder but it just gets stuck after searching 3(or n) pages. I did try both google and bing to see if thats the problem but same case
Fixed today! thank you! frozen fix project forked today at
Risolto oggi! Grazie! progetto di correzione congelata biforcato oggi su
il link ce hai fornito errore 404 pagina non trovata volevo sapere come hai risolto io ho cancellato e reinstallato ora mi da errore' terminated by signal SIGILL (Illegal instruction) non so come risolvere, credevo fosse la versione di python non compatibile ma penso sia per la cpu perche io ho scheda intel integrata senza cpu e senza supporto avx e per questo non riesco a utilizzare penso io ma ieri mi funzionava cavolo perche lo cancellato hahaha ciao
Risolto oggi! Grazie! progetto di correzione congelata biforcato oggi su
forse era andata via la connessione ho aperto ora il link
ho apportato la correzione ora è necessario un server Ollama esterno per eseguire il codice Utilizzo Docker Compose per eseguire "docker compose build" + "docker compose up"
fetch the latest changes. already fixed