stimulus-rails-nested-form copied to clipboard
Allow minimum/maximum configuration
Cocoon would allow developers to define a minimum and maximum number of nested forms, would be nice to do the same here without extending the controller.
i.e. minimum = 1, maximum = 4
If only one nested form is being displayed then the delete button is hidden or disabled If 4 are being displayed then the add button is hidden or disabled
Hum that sounds cool but I have few questions.
How to find the initial number? How to configure if you want to hide or disable the buttons?
Ooo I like this.
- data attribute set like
on thetemplate
so you can have different min/max for each - would be based on if these data attributes were defined... if not defined then no changes and backwards compatible, if defined then it's based on what those settings are and how many have been added vs the data attribute
Just saw this issue, as I also needed to set a limit value. Here's my extension; feel free to take or leave it:
import NestedForm from 'stimulus-rails-nested-form'
export default class extends NestedForm {
static targets = ['addButton', 'clickAfterAdd']
static values = {
limit: Number
connect () {
add (e) {
const currentCount = this.nestedFormCount()
if (this.hasLimitValue && currentCount > this.limitValue) return
if (!localStorage.isBeingControlledByCapybara && this.hasClickAfterAddTargets) {
this.clickAfterAddTargets[this.clickAfterAddTargets.length - 1].click()
this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('itemsChanged', { bubbles: true }))
remove (e) {
// Since the file removal isn't committed until saved, I guess this is overkill
// if (!confirm("This will delete the image. Are you sure?")) return
this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('itemsChanged', { bubbles: true }))
// private
setVisibilityOfAddButton () {
if (!this.hasAddButtonTarget || !this.hasLimitValue) return
const currentCount = this.nestedFormCount()
this.addButtonTarget.classList.toggle('hidden', currentCount > this.limitValue)
nestedFormCount () {
return this.nestedForms()
.filter(el => !== 'none').length
nestedForms () {
return Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll(this.wrapperSelectorValue))