Sitting interaction should be available only when very close to the front of a chair. It's simpler and less troublesome.
this is already in game, but it needs to be properly set for each item. It's currently not the case for all items in game. I suggest maybe turn that...
quick suggestion, not well thought though. Have an ISavable interface with method save and load, have each component that need to have some values saved implement it. Upon reload, for...
So here's a suggestion at least for our Systems subfolder : For all systems have the following subfolders when relevant : - Interactions folder : Folder for interactions linked to...
@cosmiccoincidence gitbook doesn't contain anything regarding the organisation in our scripts folder, we need to think about doing it properly. Maybe open a github discussion if you don't want that...
@joaoburatto What's the status of this ? Still relevant ? If yes could you provide more information ?
This issue should be treated along with other issues related to resetting the state of the game. It's best to not treat it as a single issue, as it won't...
It seems there's a few issues with github's new projects and the actions of [email protected]. Some people me included, experimented this issue of not finding a project with actions from...
- [ ] > when a GItHub Milestone is created > ceate a new GitHub Project with the same name, using a project template copying our current format. - [...
So it turns out that github introduced a new kind of "project", the old ones are called "classic projects", and most actions on the github marketplace don't work with those...