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JSON object for Delphi based on IUnknown and Variant
jsonDoc started out as bsonDoc.pas and IBSONDocument
in the TMongoWire project. Since it was a solid JSON parser, based on IUnknowns (for the reference counting) and Variants (I really, really hate long lists of overloads for allkinds of types). The need arose to manipulate JSON in several projects unrelated to MongoDB, so the idea surfaced to have a dedicated project around IJSONDocument
(To complete the move, TMongoWire has since then replaced bsonDoc.pas
with jsonDoc.pas
and separate conversion functions to convert from and to BSON.)
To create a new IJSONDocument
function JSON: IJSONDocument; overload;
To create and populate a new IJSONDocument
function JSON(const x: array of Variant): IJSONDocument; overload;
Pass a list of alternately keys and values, suffix the key with {
to start an embedded document, and use key }
to close it. E.g.: with
will return {"a":1,"b":{"x":"foo"},"c":{"x":"bar"},"d":[{"x":"hello"},{"x":"world"}],"e":true}
Convert a variant into an IJSONDocument reference.
function JSON(x: Variant): IJSONDocument; overload;
Depending on the value of the argument:
- string types are parsed into a new
instance, - Null (or empty or unassigned) returns
, - in all other cases the variant is probed for a reference to an
Merge a string with JSON data into the IJSONDocument
instance, existing keys will get their values overwritten (see Clear
function Parse(const JSONData: WideString): IJSONDocument;
Convert the data in the IJSONDocument
instance into a JSON string.
function ToString: WideString;
Convert the data in the IJSONDocument
instance into a Variant array of dimensions [0..n,0..1], where [i,0] holds keys and [i,1] holds values.
function ToVarArray: Variant;
Clear the values of the IJSONDocument
, but keep the list of keys.
procedure Clear;
When processing a sequence of JSON documents with a similar set of keys (and keys of embedded documents), performance can be gained by avoiding the de- and re-allocation of memory to store the keys (and the Variant record for their values). (See also IJSONDocArrayBuilder
Retrieve a value by key. This is the default property, so you can access the keys of a IJSONDocument
by index notation (e.g.: d['id']
property Item[const Key: WideString]: Variant; default;
Attention: by default the IJSONDocument
implementation: TJSONDocument
is not thread-safe. Please use proper locking and synchronisation methods to ensure only one thread accesses an instance at one time, or declare conditional define JSONDOC_THREADSAFE
Create an IJSONEnumerator
instance for a IJSONDocument
function JSONEnum(x: IJSONDocument): IJSONEnumerator; overload;
function JSONEnum(const x: Variant): IJSONEnumerator; overload;
Check wether the enumerator is past the end of the set of keys of the document.
function EOF: boolean;
Move the iterator to the next item in the set. Moves the iterator to the first item on the first call. Returns false when moved past the end of the set.
function Next: boolean;
Returns the key or value of the current item in the set.
function Key: WideString;
function Value: Variant;
Returns the key or value of the current item in the set.
Use an IJSONDocArrayBuilder
instance to store a set of similar JSON documents. JSON is converted to and from strings internally to save on memory usage. Use LoadItem
with a single IJSONDocument
instance to re-use keys and save on memory allocation. Pre-load a parent IJSONDocument
with an IJSONDocArrayBuilder
instance to postpone some of the parsing of the children documents.
function JSONDocArray: IJSONDocArrayBuilder; overload;
function JSONDocArray(const Items:array of IJSONDocument): IJSONDocArrayBuilder; overload;
Append a document to the array.
function Add(Doc: IJSONDocument): integer;
function AddJSON(const Data: WideString): integer;
Retrieve a document using an existing IJSONDocument
instance, possibly re-using allocated keys.
procedure LoadItem(Index: integer; Doc: IJSONDocument);
Retrieve the number of documents in the array.
function Count: integer; stdcall;
Convert the data in the IJSONDocArrayBuilder
instance into a JSON string.
function ToString: WideString; stdcall;
Retrieve a document by index, in a new IJSONDocument
instance. This is the default property, so you can use index notation (e.g.: a[3]
property Item[Idx: integer]: IJSONDocument; default;
If you need to process documents that contain many and/or large arrays, some performance may get lost because manipulating Variant arrays performs a deep copy on assignment by default.
To prevent this, set the JSON_UseIJSONArray
value to true to have IJSONDocument
use IJSONArray
instances to hold arrays, which use reference counting instead of deep copy on assignment.
A downside to this is that plain array-indexing (a[i]
) no longer works. (The VariantManager
which could provide support for this, is deprecated in Delphi since version 7.) Use the ja
function to conveniently extract a IJSONArray
reference from a variable of type Variant (ja(a)[i]