vue-split-grid copied to clipboard
Vue component based on Split Grid
Vue Split Grid
Vue Split Grid is a Vue wrapper for Split Grid: The spiritual successor of Split.js, built for CSS Grid. Current Split Grid version: v1.0.9
Vue Split Grid also supports animations (with numerous easing functions), Vue transitions and doesn't require any CSS to get a Split Grid working!
npm install --save vue-split-grid
ES6 modules, import components manually.
<div id="app">
<SplitGrid class="sb_split-grid" direction="row">
<SplitGrid class="sb_sub-grid">
<SplitGridArea>Column 1</SplitGridArea>
<SplitGridArea>Column 2</SplitGridArea>
<SplitGridArea>Column 3</SplitGridArea>
<SplitGridArea>Row 2</SplitGridArea>
import { SplitGrid, SplitGridArea, SplitGridGutter } from 'vue-split-grid';
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
body {
margin: 0;
#app {
font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
text-align: center;
color: #2c3e50;
height: 100vh;
overflow: hidden;
.sb_split-grid {
height: 100%;
Register SplitGrid* components globally.
// main.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueSplitGrid from 'vue-split-grid';
import App from './App.vue';
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
const SplitGrid = require('vue-split-grid');
UMD build in a script tag, this loads the component using the global Vue instance.
<script src=""></script>
Instead of initializing SplitGrid by calling a JavaScript function Vue Split Grid uses three different components to accomplish the same end result, these components are <SplitGrid>
, <SplitGridArea>
and <SplitGridGutter>
The components accept most of the original Split Grid library it's options as properties. Some of the options are determined automatically by the SplitGrid component, see How do I configure property X / call API method Y?.
The <SplitGrid>
component is the main component for creating Split Grids. <SplitGrid>
components may be nested.
Wrapper specific properties
animation: { duration: number, easing: string }
Properties of the animation that should be executed when the size of a SplitGrid or a SplitGridArea child is changed. The duration
is the number of milliseconds the animation should take and easing
is the easing function that should be applied.
The easing
function can be one of: linear
, easeInQuad
, easeOutQuad
, easeInOutQuad
, easeInCubic
, easeOutCubic
, easeInOutCubic
, easeInQuart
, easeOutQuart
, easeInOutQuart
, easeInQuint
, easeOutQuint
, easeInOutQuint
Default: null
direction: string
The direction of the Grid, this is used to determine whether grid-template-columns
or grid-template-rows
should be set. Direction can be column
or row
Default: column
gutterSize: number
The default gutter size in pixels for the SplitGrid components its gutters.
Default: 5
render: boolean
Whether a SplitGrid component should be rendered, this option has to be used instead of using the standard v-if
directive when you're nesting SplitGrid components and you want to use a transition when toggling a SplitGrid. This uses v-if
under the hood and allows the use of Vue transitions.
must not be used when in combination with show
Default: null
show: boolean
Whether a SplitGrid component should be shown, this option has to be used instead of using the standard v-show
directive when you're nesting SplitGrid components and you want to use a transition when toggling a SplitGrid. This uses v-show
under the hood and allows the use of Vue transitions.
must not be used when in combination with render
Default: true
sizeUnit: string
Setting the size of a SplitGrid, which is only necessary when nesting SplitGrids, requires using two properties. This is the the unit of the size of the SplitGrid component.
Not all size units are supported yet by Split Grid.
Allowed units: fr
, px
, %
, repeat
Default: fr
sizeValue: number
Setting the size of a SplitGrid, which is only necessary when nesting SplitGrids, requires using two properties. This is the the unit size value of the SplitGrid component.
Default: 1
strictMode: boolean
Whether strictMode should be enabled. When strictMode is enabled (which is by default) the SplitGrid component only <SplitGrid>
, <SplitGridArea>
, <SplitGridGutter>
are allowed as child components.
Default: true
Vue Transition options
Transition properties which are the same as Vue's <transition>
wrapper properties, Vue Split Grid uses Vue's <transition>
under the hood, this option requires at least the name
Default: null
Split Grid properties
The documentation of the following properties and events is from the original library (v1.0.9), which can be found here.
minSize: number
The minimum size in pixels for all tracks.
Default: 0
columnMinSize: number
The minimum size in pixels for all tracks.
Default: minSize
rowMinSize: number
The minimum size in pixels for all tracks.
Default: minSize
columnMinSizes: { [track: number]: number }
An object keyed by track
index, with values set to the minimum size in pixels for the
track at that index. Allows individual minSizes to be specified by track.
Note this option is plural with an s
, while the two fallback options are singular.
Default: columnMinSize
rowMinSizes: { [track: number]: number }
An object keyed by track
index, with values set to the minimum size in pixels for the
track at that index. Allows individual minSizes to be specified by track.
Note this option is plural with an s
, while the two fallback options are singular.
Default: rowMinSize
snapOffset: number
Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to 0
to disable snap.
Default: 30
columnSnapOffset: number
Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to 0
to disable snap.
Default: snapOffset
rowSnapOffset: number
Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to 0
to disable snap.
Default: snapOffset
dragInterval: number
Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to 1
for smooth dragging,
but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes.
Default: 1
columnDragInterval: number
Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to 1
for smooth dragging,
but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes.
Default: dragInterval
rowDragInterval: number
Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to 1
for smooth dragging,
but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes.
Default: dragInterval
cursor: string
Cursor to show while dragging. Defaults to 'col-resize'
for column gutters and
for row gutters.
columnCursor: string
Cursor to show while dragging.
Default: 'col-resize'
rowCursor: string
Cursor to show while dragging.
Default: 'row-resize'
writeStyle: (grid: HTMLElement, gridTemplateProp: 'grid-template-column' | 'grid-template-row', gridTemplateStyle: string) => void
Called to update the CSS properties of the grid element. Must eventually apply the
CSS value to the CSS prop, or the grid will not change. gridTemplateStyle
is the computed CSS value of CSS rule gridTemplateProp
function writeStyle(grid, gridTemplateProp, gridTemplateStyle) => {[gridTemplateProp] = gridTemplateStyle
The following events can be used on your SplitGrid component like so:
<!-- ... -->
Unlike the callback functions from the original library, these callbacks function only receive one parameter object containing all the parameters from the original library.
drag: ({ direction: 'row' | 'column', track: number, gridTemplateStyle: string })
Called continously on drag. For process intensive code, add a debounce function to rate limit this callback.
is the computed CSS value for grid-template-column
or grid-template-row
, depending on the direction
property of the SplitGrid.
drag-start: ({ direction: 'row' | 'column', track: number })
Called on drag start.
drag-end: ({ direction: 'row' | 'column', track: number })
Called on drag end.
The <SplitGridArea>
component should be used inside <SplitGrid>
components, these are your columns or rows, depending on the direction
you specified on the <SplitGrid>
components shouldn't be used on their own.
render: boolean
Whether a SplitGridArea component should be rendered, this option has to be used instead of using the standard v-if
directive if you want to use a transition when toggling a SplitGridArea. This uses v-if
under the hood and allows the use of Vue transitions.
must not be used when in combination with show
Default: null
show: boolean
Whether a SplitGridArea component should be shown, this option has to be used instead of using the standard v-show
directive if you want to use a transition when toggling a SplitGridArea. This uses v-show
under the hood and allows the use of Vue transitions.
must not be used when in combination with render
Default: true
sizeUnit: string
Setting the size of a SplitGridArea requires using two properties. This is the the unit of the size of the SplitGridArea component.
Not all size units are supported yet by Split Grid.
Allowed units: fr
, px
, %
, repeat
Default: fr
sizeValue: number
Setting the size of a SplitGridArea requires using two properties. This is the the unit size value of the SplitGridArea component.
Default: 1
Vue Transition options
Transition properties which are the same as Vue's <transition>
wrapper properties, Vue Split Grid uses Vue's <transition>
under the hood, this option requires at least the name
Default: null
should be used inside <SplitGrid>
components, these are your column or row gutters, depending on the direction
you specified on the <SplitGrid>
components shouldn't be used on their own.
render: boolean
Whether a SplitGridGutter component should be rendered, this option has to be used instead of using the standard v-if
directive if you want to use a transition when toggling a SplitGridGutter. This uses v-if
under the hood and allows the use of Vue transitions.
must not be used when in combination with show
Default: null
show: boolean
Whether a SplitGridGutter component should be shown, this option has to be used instead of using the standard v-show
directive if you want to use a transition when toggling a SplitGridGutter. This uses v-show
under the hood and allows the use of Vue transitions.
must not be used when in combination with render
Default: true
size: number
The size of a gutter in pixels.
Default: SplitGrid.gutterSize or 5
when no value at SplitGrid.gutterSize was specified.
Vue Transition options
Transition properties which are the same as Vue's <transition>
wrapper properties, Vue Split Grid uses Vue's <transition>
under the hood, this option requires at least the name
Default: null
How do I configure property X / call API method Y?
columnGutters & rowGutters
The columnGutters
and rowGutters
properties are determined automatically by the <SplitGrid>
component based on the direction
property and the children the <SplitGrid>
component has.
gridTemplateColumns & gridTemplateRows
The initial CSS of the Grid, for which the original Split Grid library uses the two properties above, is determined automatically by the <SplitGrid>
component based on the children that have been provided.
split.add*Gutter() & split.remove*Gutter()
The .addColumnGutter()
, .addRowGutter()
, .removeColumnGutter()
and .removeRowGutter()
API methods are called automatically when a <SplitGridGutter>
is removed by setting either the show
or render
property to false
is called automatically in the beforeDestroy
lifecyle method in the <SplitGrid>