UF-Instant-Mod icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UF-Instant-Mod copied to clipboard

Swap Unifi custom firmware with modified firmware to use GPON-ONU on 3rd party OLT

Results 5 UF-Instant-Mod issues
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Hello. First of all, thank you very much for your work. Great job. I was looking for a way to change my Nano G device since I heard that UFiber...

Hi, i'm using windows 11, don't have a pc with linux.

Hello everyone, I am trying to use my UF-Instant to replace the ONT provided by my ISP, and I am very close to achieve it but there's something not working...

Hello! Thanks for all the work. I've followed your guide and here is the output I have: ``` # cat /proc/mtd dev: size erasesize name mtd0: 00040000 00001000 "boot" mtd1:...

Looks like the web UI crashes when attempting to login regardless if the fiber is connected or not. Attempted to do some simple debugging without much luck. Figured I would...