Stefan Heid

Results 45 comments of Stefan Heid

Agree, definetly extremely fast, but i would check how it looks if you just slow down the video without re-recording everything. The general video speed is fine, but the voice...

related to #115 #113

Workarround (does not use the library, but might be interesting for others) ``` f, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios= [190-180,75],hspace=.1)) ax.set_ylim(180, 190) ax2.set_ylim(0, 75) # plot the same...

![image]( ![image]( on my NAS it even wakes up my sleeping drive (`hdparm -Y /dev/sda`) as very evident in the power consumption and the dmesg logs The problem is also...

Even though it is somewhat an issue of udisks it seems to be caused by using setting powercontrol of the device to "auto" of the device. When i re-enable power...

Thanks for the informative reply. I think that means that KotlinDL is of the table for now, but i will keep a close eye on the development and maybe use...

The issue is not related to HPO but to SMAC4BO! as i write in the other issue, i cannot run HPO because of the swig issue on my machine. However...

The issue is related to my partial function! change target function signature ``` def svm_from_cfg_moreargs(cfg, x, y): ``` set the default arguments using functools.partial ``` svm_from_cfg = partial(svm_from_cfg_moreargs, x=1, y=2)...

can confirm that using `lambda` istead of `partial` is indeed another successful workaround. Thanks for your blazing fast replies. I assume with the pending changes in the code this issue...