TinymceBundle icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TinymceBundle copied to clipboard

Paste some tags when copying/pasting from Word

Open rimoi opened this issue 5 years ago • 0 comments


When I want to paste only some tags when pasting text from Word(Microsoft office or Libre Office)

I use paste_word_valid_elements: 'i,em' as mentioned in the docs :

  tinymce_css_path: '/js/tinymce/main.css'

  selector: '.tinymce'
  base_url: 'https://my-website.com/'
  language: '%locale%'
  include_jquery: true
  tinymce_jquery: true
      - 'autoresize table media image code link'
      - 'searchreplace paste directionality fullscreen'
      - 'noneditable visualchars nonbreaking'
      toolbar: 'bold italic underline | hr | styleselect removeformat | bullist numlist | outdent indent blockquote | link unlink | image media | code'
      autoresize_min_height: 300px
      width: 100%
      paste_word_valid_elements: 'i,em'  # here
      paste_enable_default_filters: false
      menubar: false
      content_css: '%tinymce_css_path%'
      browser_spellcheck: true
      entity_encoding: raw
      convert_urls: false

but it does not filter other tags (bold, ...)!

thanks rimoi

rimoi avatar Aug 23 '19 09:08 rimoi