ANN-for-DDoS-detection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ANN-for-DDoS-detection copied to clipboard

Final Year Project



Download & Install Python 3.6 64-bit (Make sure you add it to PATH)

Download & install Wireshark (Make sure Tshark and WinPcap are installed aswell)

Download & Install (Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017)


Clone this repository to desired location

Open CMD

'cd' to repository location

use the following line in CMD to install the necessary requirements "pip install -r requirements.txt"

Starting Off

Open CMD

'cd' to repository location


Input number between 1-7, depending on what you would like to do

1 - Packet Sniffer

This is a basic packet sniffer

From the list, input the name of the inetrface you wish to sniff Packet information should now be seen

ctrl + c to cancel

2 - ANN Data Gatherer

This is used to create a dataset to train and test an ANN.

From the list, input the name of the inetrface you wish to gather data from

ctrl + c to cancel

3 - Neural Network Trainer

Creates and trains an ANN from a dataset

input name of the CSV dataset file you wish to use If you want to load a previous model, input 'y' and then input the name of the model Else just hit Enter Depending on model topology and the size of the dataset, the process may take a while Once finished, input 'y' to see the Weights and intercepts of the model after training input 'y' again to save the model (Must end in '.sav')

4 - Data Viewer

Allows for viewing the data within a dataset

input name of CSV Dataset you wish to view input 'a' to see All, 'n' to see just the numerical data, 'c' to see just categorical data

5 - Live Neural Network

Uses a trained ANN to detect DDoS Attacks

From the list, input the name of the inetrface you wish to detect DDoS attacks on input the filename of a trained model This will continuously run until either stopped or an attack is detected

6 - Visual ANN

Shows a visual representation of what an ANN model looks like (Can be changed in code, currently displays an input layer of 8, 2 hidden layers of 100 and an output layer of 1.

7 - Exit