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Extra Chat Utilities
Here are some chat utilities I believe would be cool to have:
Per chatter custom metadata: While talking in chat, sometimes the chatters end up revealing relevant information about themselves that would like the streamer to remember. Stuff like birthdays, pronouns, likes/dislikes, etc. Remembering this information can make the chatter feel more welcomed and cared about. However, when dealing with hundreds of people, it can be dificult for the streamer to remeber all this information effectively. I'd like an option in the docker to store this information and tie it with a user ID. Maybe a local database or an option to configure a remote database so it can queried/modified by all the docker instances would be great.
Toggleable custom nicknames for chatters: Generally, frequent chatters end up making a name for themselves inside of each comunity, or they have a username that differs from what they'd like to be adressed as / from what they are remembered by the streamer. Similarly to point (1.), I'd like an option to replace a User's username with a custom nickname inside of the Docker interface. However, I would also like the toggleable option to instead show the original username per docker instance (So we may have the custom nicknames only be displayed for the Stremer privately and the original names in the stream's view).
Tying chat usernames / IDs from different platforms together: Going hand in hand with points (1.) and (2.). Chatters may sometimes join the multistream from a diferent platform,. So, in order to help the Streamer to better recognize them across platforms, being able to tie multiple accounts to the same metadata would be nice to have.