framer-button icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
framer-button copied to clipboard

A customizable button class for Framer prototypes.


The Button module allows you to quickly include working button instances in your Framer project.

See examples at

alt text


The Button class provides several options that you can use in combination to create your different button styles. All aspects of a Button may be defined together in the Button's options. These include the Button's initial appearance, the states it will use to display different stages of an interaction, and the action to take when the Button is tapped.


Drag the file into your project's modules folder.

At the top of your project, include the code:

{Button} = require 'Button'

Create your first Button using the code:

myButton = new Button

Styling Buttons


Each button has a property named type. There are three main types: basic, toggle, and label. By default, a button's type is 'basic'. To change the type of a button, set the type property when creating your button.

myBasicButton = new Button
	y: 0
	type: 'basic'

myToggleButton = new Button
	y: 50
	type: 'toggle'

myLabelButton = new Button
	y: 100
	type: 'label'

Buttons with the toggle or label types have additional properties, discussed below.

Style Options

The above styles may be combined with four styling options, float, hover, disabled and link. These may be enabled by setting their respective properties to true.

By default, float, disabled, and link are set to false, while hover is set to true. The color of a tapped button with a link type can be set with the tint property.

myNoHoverButton = new Button
	y: 0
	hover: false

myDisabledButton = new Button
	y: 50
	disable: true

myFloatButton = new Button
	y: 100
	float: true

myLinkButton = new Button
	y: 150
	link: true

myFloatyDisablyHoveringLinkishButton = new Button
	float: true
	link: true
	hover: true
	disabled: true
	y: 200


By default, a Button instance displays a centered text label. The content of this text layer may be changed using the text property. Unlike TextLayers, buttons do not autosize to fit its text content. Text that is wuder than the button will clip be clipped by the sides of the button.

myBasicButton = new Button
	text: 'Click here!'

The button's text style can be defined using the textStyle property.

myBasicButton = new Button
	text: 'Click here!'
		fontFamily: 'Menlo'
		fontSize: 10
		textTransform: 'uppercase'
			top: 12


A button may optionally be set using an icon. Setting an icon removes the text content of a button and replaces it with an image. The icon property accepts a filename of a .png in the folder images/icons.

myBasicButton = new Button
	icon: 'check'

The icon's height and width are both set equal using the property 'iconSize'. By default, iconSize is uses the button's height for both the icon's height and width.

myBasicButton = new Button
		height: 12, width: 40
	icon: 'check'

In the example above, creating a button with icon: check would give the button an icon using the image images/icons/check.png.

To start, you can use the icons folder bundled with this module, or create an images/icons folder in your project and fill it with your own icons.


Each Button has three basic states named touch, hover, and disabled. These states define how a Button appears at different times.

They may be set when the Button is created using the properties touchState, hoverState and disabledState.

myBasicButton = new Button
		backgroundColor: 'red'
		color: 'grey'
		backgroundColor: 'orange'
		color: 'white'
		opacity: .1

You may also set these states later in the code by changing a Button's states object.

myBasicButton = new Button
		backgroundColor: 'blue'

myOtherButton = new Button
	y: 50
	action: -> 
		myBasicButton.states.touch =
			backgroundColor: 'red'

Buttons with the toggle type an additional state named on, displayed when the button is toggled on. This may be set using the onState property.

myToggleButton = new Button
	type: 'toggle'
		backgroundColor: 'blue'

A fourth state, default, is set automatically using the Button's initial display properties, and is used whenever the button returns to normal. In cases where you need to change this state, it may be set using the defaultState property.

myButton = new Button
		backgroundColor: '#FFF'
	action: ->
			y: @y + 10

In the example above, defining the default state prevents the button from returning to y: 0.


All buttons have a property named action that stores a function. When a button is tapped, this function runs.

myButton = new Button
	action: -> print 'Hello world!'

The one exception is buttons with the 'toggle' type. These buttons have two properties, toggleOn and toggleOff, that each store a different function. When a 'toggle' type button is toggled on, it runs its toggleOn function. When it is toggled back to off, it runs its toggleOff function.

myToggleButton = new Button
	type: 'toggle'
	toggleOn: -> print 'Turned on!'
	toggleOff: -> print 'Turned off!'

By default, the scope of a button's actions (ie the definition of this or its alias @ within the function) is set to the button itself. A button's scope can be set manually using the 'scope' property. If the scope is set, all instances of this or @ will resolve to the value of 'scope'.

selfScopedButton = new Button
	action: -> 
		@text = 'Tapped!'

otherScopedButton = new Button
	scope: selfScopedButton
	action: ->
		@text = 'Tricked!'

Types in Detail


Buttons with the toggle type can be toggled on or off either by user interaction or through the isOn property.

A common case is a button group where only one button should be toggled at once. In such a case, you can use a Button's onAction together with the isOn property, so that when a button is turned on, it will turn off all other buttons in the group.

sizes = new Layer
	width: 272, height: 32
	backgroundColor: null

for size, i in ['S', 'M', 'L']
	button = new Button
		parent: sizes
		x: 96 * i
		type: 'toggle'
		text: size
		value: size
		onAction: -> sib.isOn = false for sib in @siblings

The easiest way to target all buttons in the group other than the button running the action is to use a parent layer and for sib in @siblings, as shown above. Alternatively, you could push the buttons into an array and use for button in _.without(myArray, @)


Buttons with the 'label' have a label on the right side of the button. They have several additional properties for styling and controlling this label.

The property labelWidth defines the proportion of the button's horizontal width taken up by the button's label. A value of 0 would hide the label completely, while a value of 1 would hide the counter completely. By default, this is set to 0.382.

The color of this label's text may be set using labelColor. The label's background color may be set using backgroundColor.

The value of the counter may be accessed or set using the property value. All button layers have a property named i, set by default to 0. Together, these can be used to create a simple counter.

label = new Button
	type: 'label'
	action: ->
		@value = @i


All buttons emit events when their disabled property changes. These can be listened for using the "change:disabled" event.

button = new Button
	action: -> @disabled = true

reset = new Button
	x: 96
	action: -> button.disabled = false

button.on "change:disabled", (disabled, button) ->
	print button
	print disabled

All buttons emit events when their text property changes. These can be listened for using the "change:text" event.

button = new Button
	action: -> @text = "Random: #{_.random(10)}"

button.on "change:text", (text, button) ->
	print button
	print text

All buttons emit events when their value property changes. These can be listened for using the "change:value" event.

button = new Button
	action: -> 
		@value += 2

button.on "change:value", (value, button) ->
	print button
	print value

Buttons with the toggle type emit events when their isOn property changes. These can be listened for using the "change:isOn" event.

toggleButton = new Button
	type: 'toggle'

toggleButton.on "change:isOn", (isOn, button) ->
	print button
	print isOn

Extending Button

You can easily use Button as a foundation for custom classes. If your project uses many buttons with the same default styling, you may prefer to extend Button rather than re-enter styles on each button instance.

class Fab extends Button
	constructor: (options) ->
		super _.defaults options,
			width: 40, height: 40, borderRadius: 20
			backgroundColor: 'rgba(89, 224, 140, 1)'
			icon: 'check', iconSize: 16
			float: true
				backgroundColor: 'rgba(57, 174, 27, 1)'
				backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 217, 0, 1)'
				backgroundColor: 'rgba(167, 198, 170, 1)'

myFab = new Fab

Use the scope property to create buttons that can work with different components. In this example, the Prev and Next buttons only work when scoped to a Page Component - but they can work with any Page Component.

You might use the same method to create a 'back' button for a flow component, a 'scroll to top' button for Scroll Components, a 'return to center' for a draggable map, etc.

class PrevButton extends Button
	constructor: (options) ->
		super _.defaults options,
			icon: 'arrow-back'
			link: true
			action: -> @snapToPreviousPage()

class NextButton extends Button
	constructor: (options) ->
		super _.defaults options,
			icon: 'arrow-forward'
			link: true
			action: -> @snapToNextPage()

# create a page component

pager = new PageComponent

# create some pages

for i in [0..3]
	page = new Layer
		size: Screen.size
		backgroundColor: Color.mix('#777', '#CCC', i/3)

# create prev and next buttons, scoped to the page component

backButton = new PrevButton
	scope: pager

nextButton = new NextButton
	scope: pager

Table of Properties

The following properties may be set when creating a Button.

property typeof default
type string 'basic'
text string 'button'
textStyle object {fontSize: 13, padding:{top:6}}
action function -> return null
scope object @
link boolean false
hover boolean true
float boolean false
disabled boolean false
hoverState object
touchState object
onState object
defaultState object
tint string 'rgba(0, 179, 231, 1)'
disabledState object {opacity: .5}
icon string ''
iconSize object {height: undefined, width: undefined}
labelWidth number .34
labelBackgroundColor string slightly darker or lighter than Button
labelColor string '#000' or Button.color
value number 0
isOn boolean false
onAction function -> return null
offAction function -> return null
i number 0