Flappybalt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Flappybalt copied to clipboard

Canabalt-themed flappy-like for http://itch.io/jam/flappyjam

Icon Flappybalt


A cross-platform port of AdamAtomic's Flappybalt, converted to Haxe and HaxeFlixel. You can play this on your mobile device by downloading it from the Google Play Store or iTunes if you'd like. You can also download a number of versions from the releases page.

Releasing for Android with HaxeFlixel (Windows)

The process for releasing a HaxeFlixel game as an Android app is a bit complicated, so I thought I'd step through some of the steps. This is for Windows, but the process is largely the same for any platform.

  1. Register for a Google Play Developer Console account. The charge is currently $25.
  2. Prepare to compile by running lime setup android. Make sure that your path to the Java JDK looks like c:\java\jdk1.6.0_37 and NOT to the bin directory.
  3. Compile your app for Android. This can be done simply by running lime build android from the command line in your project directory. Make sure your input is set up properly, accounting for touch controls and the lack of mouse/keyboard! HaxeFlixel has some handy Haxe defines for this, e.g. FLX_NO_MOUSE, FLX_NO_KEYBOARD, etc.
  4. Test your app on an Android device! You can set up the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) for this, but you could just email the APK to yourself. Slower, but easier.
  5. Provided everything works, you'll need to sign your app before you release it. So long as your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the BIN directory (e.g. c:/java/jdk1.6.0_37/bin/) you can do this by running keytool from the command line. Google recommends the following settings:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY.keystore -alias YOUR_ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

It will ask for a password and stuff, which you will need to remember! Obviously, use your own values for YOUR_RELEASE_KEY and YOUR_ALIAS.

In order for Lime to see your certificate, you need to add it to the Project.XML file. You can add this line:

<certificate path="YOUR_RELEASE_KEY.keystore" alias="YOUR_ALIAS" password="YOUR_PASSWORD" if="android" unless="debug"/>

Obviously use your own values where appropriate. Now when you run lime build android it will sign the app automagically! Just look for MyApp-release.apk in export/android/bin/bin/.

Finally, upload your APK! You can set up Google Play stuff too.

Optional Steps

  • If you have an SVG file set up as your icon in your Project.XML file, Lime will make nice high-res icons for you. Do this! Just add <icon path="assets/icon.svg"/> to your Project.XML file. You can create SVGs using InkScape, or even by hand, as they are basically just XML files.
  • Don't want to scare off potential customers with a bunch of app permissions? Lime includes a few by default, but this can be overridden. After building your app at least once, get export/android/bin/bin/AndroidManifest.xml and copy it somewhere else (I usually put it into a libs directory). Then, in your Project.XML, add:
<template path="libs/AndroidManifest.xml" rename="AndroidManifest.xml" if="android"/>

Now Lime will use this file instead of the default AndroidManifest it would normally generate. Inside this file you'll notice a few lines:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

As far as I know you can delete these lines without issue. If you do this, when someone goes to launch your app, it will say "This app requires no special permissions". Obviously, this is not applicable if you actually need one of these permissions!


If you use the AndroidManifest template above, make sure you update versionCode and versionName when you publish an update to Google Play. versionCode should always be incremented and has to be an integer, so each subsequent release would be 1, then 2, then 3, and so on. Users won't see this. versionName can be just about anything and is visible to the user, so something like 1.0 then 1.1 and so on. Google Play won't accept a new package with the same versionCode or versionName.

All of the code in this repository is available under an MIT license. Code not included in this repository (mostly just app settings, private keys, etc) is copyright SteveRichey but if you have questions about implementation let me know and I'll help you out!


  • Pixel-perfect collisions.
  • Special FX

Canabalt-themed flappy-like for FlappyJam.

The original version was programmed in ActionScript 3, and required flixel to compile.