BitPaint copied to clipboard
Not Compiling PPC
After following the guide where i found BitPaint, everytime i try to "make" the PPC compilation seems to fail, while the i386 is ok. Getting this error avoids the 68k compilation as well, unless i change something in the Makefile (PPC still failling doing that).
lol:BitPaint luiz$ make
mkdir -p obj bin disk
gcc -D TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON=1 -arch i386 -w -c -fwritable-strings -fpascal-strings -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 BitPaint.c -o obj/BitPaint.i386.o;
mkdir -p bin/
mkdir -p bin/
gcc -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 obj/BitPaint.i386.o -framework ApplicationServices -framework Carbon -o bin/
Rez -rd BitPaint.r Carbon.r Size.r -useDF -o bin/ -i /usr/local/share/mpw/Interfaces/RIncludes -append
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/local/bin/mpw MrC -d TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON -typecheck relaxed BitPaint.c -o obj/BitPaint.ppc.o;
/usr/local/bin/mpw MrC -d OLDROUTINENAMES=1 -typecheck relaxed BitPaint.c -o obj/BitPaint.ppc.o;
MrC C Compiler 4.1.0f1c1
Copyright (C) 1994-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
} ^ File "BitPaint.c"; line 73 #
Warning 29: Local variable 'theScreenBits' is not used within function 'BPGetBounds'
} ^ File "BitPaint.c"; line 201 #
Warning 29: Local variable 'daName' is not used within function 'DoCommand'
Warning 29: Local variable 'daRefNum' is not used within function 'DoCommand'
} ^ File "BitPaint.c"; line 366 #
Warning 35: Parameter 'refcon' is not used within function 'QuitAppleEventHandler'
Warning 35: Parameter 'reply' is not used within function 'QuitAppleEventHandler'
Warning 35: Parameter 'appleEvt' is not used within function 'QuitAppleEventHandler'
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/local/bin/mpw PPCLink -m main -w -c 'MPS ' -t APPL obj/BitPaint.ppc.o {SharedLibraries}CarbonLib -o bin/BitPaint.ppc;
/usr/local/bin/mpw PPCLink -m main -w -c 'MPS ' -t APPL obj/BitPaint.ppc.o {SharedLibraries}InterfaceLib {SharedLibraries}StdCLib {PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o {PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o -o bin/BitPaint.ppc;
Error: Error -43 while writing file "bin/BitPaint.ppc"
File not found (OS error -43)
Fatal error:
PPCLink - Execution terminated! make: *** [bin/BitPaint.ppc] Error 1
It may be that you don't have the CarbonLib SDK added to your MPW installation; mine is years old so I can't remember if it comes as part of MPW-GM. mpw has a command line flag you can use (--trace-mpw) that should give a more verbose error and tell you which file is missing
The MPW-GM referenced from that blog does have CarbonLib in all the right places of Interfaces&Libraries. It should work fine as is.
Haven't run into any problems building PPC, myself.