Steven Schlansker

Results 38 issues of Steven Schlansker

It'd be really nice to have an easy way to make partial updates to requests, e.g. changing placement, without having to specify the full request body. Maybe via HTTP `PATCH`...

A task may enter `OVERDUE` for a number of reasons, usually lack of a particular cluster resource, or an impossible scheduling constraint. It would be nice to expose via the...

Mesos slave has an option to specify custom resources `--resources=VALUE Total consumable resources per slave, in the form name(role):value;name(role):value....` Singularity should allow deploys to require and consume these resources from...

According to the documentation, > Annotation used to indicate that a property should be serialized "unwrapped"; that is, if it would be serialized as JSON Object, its properties are instead...


Jackson seems to work great with Quasar Fibers. I marked up all methods that call `stream`/`writer` `read`/`write` methods with `@Suspendable` and then used `SuspendablesScanner` to generate these (lengthy!) lists. Let...

The new Plaid client brings in `org.apache.oltu.oauth2:org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client:1.0.1`. This causes our build to fail, as there are duplicate classes in `org.apache.oltu.oauth2:org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client:1.0.1` and `org.apache.oltu.oauth2:org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common:1.0.1`, which is a bug in the Oltu project....

We had a `node` crash, and while attempting to analyze its core file with `llnode 1.7.1` `lldb 360.1.70`: ``` libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: basic_string zsh: abort...


Adds a configurable timeout for PrimaryNode waiting for remotes to close. The default matches existing behavior. In the long run, maybe this wait loop goes away entirely, but I elected...

### Description Java is removing the SecurityManager and AccessController. Running Lucene build under Java 17 emits a lot of warnings: ``` WARNING: A command line option has enabled the Security...


I am a maintainer of the Jdbi project which uses Mockito in our test cases. We have user requests to provide the necessary native-image configuration metadata to enable ahead-of-time compilation...