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Modernizr style tests for viewport size


Modernizr style testing for viewport width. Sizrizr will add a class to the <html> element for each point added in the format .sizrizr-{{point_name}} as well as creating an object to test against Sizrizr.{{name}}.test

current version: 0.3.1


Basic Usage

  1. Include the sizrizr.min.js file
  2. Add points to test against, eg Sizrizr.addPoint( "small", "under", 580 );
  3. Init -;
  4. Test - If your viewport width is under 580px, Sizrizr.small.test will return true and the class sizrizr-small is added to the <html> element
  5. Refresh - When necessary (like when adding another point since init, or viewport resize) fire the function to update the truthyness of the tests and update the <html>'s classes



Sizrizr.addPoint( name, type, point ) : Create a new breakpoint

  • name : a string that will be the name of the point to test against later or to be used for classes
  • type : a string with the possible value "over", "under", or "between" - this indicates how to test the points
  • point : an array or integer, if type is "over" or "under" this is an integer to test against, if type is "between" this is an array of [bottom, top] to test between.

Once is called you can test against the point using Sizrizr.{{name}}.test to return true or false.

init : the first call for Sizrizr, this caches the existing html classes then test all points that have been registered thus far.

refresh : refreshes all registered points and applies the approprate classes to the <html> element


Sizrizr.width() : Returns the current window width


Sizrizr.onchange_to("small", function(){ alert("I'm now small") }) : adds a callback that fires when a point becomes true

Resize Events

Sizrizr doesn't include a native resize event so that you can roll your own as best suites your use case. Just fire whenever necessary. For a lightweight example you can use the debulked onresize handler from Louis Remi.

<script type="text/javascript">
  // debulked onresize handler -
  function on_resize(c,t){onresize=function(){clearTimeout(t);t=setTimeout(c,100)};return c};

  window.on_resize( );

Development and Building

Currently the test site is leveraging middleman.

$ bundle install
# => installs necessary gems

$ rake server
# => launches a preview on port 4567

$ rake build
# => builds sizrizr and sizrizr.min to /build


Released under the MIT License