Steve Mactaggart
Steve Mactaggart
Is this still happening or can we close this issue? Usually points to an issue with the account's login status.
Support for `dp` or Dual Prompt authentication was contributed in the `0.0.37` build.
Support for the `Dual Prompt` `dp` path has been merged now. The issues here should be resolved with the release of `0.0.37`
Having this value in the `config` is a bit missleading - the original design intention was that the `-k` be supplied to use the Keyring otherwise prompt for password -...
I agree with @forsberg - personal preference would like the keyring value to be stored. If I get a chance I'll look at making it work, otherwise would happily review...
@acarl005 a pull request would be greatly appreciated - If you need pointers please call out for help. I can probably take a look at this in a week or...
I've been having similar issues recently too. Will dig into the underlying calls - likely google has changed something again.
Will look into the upstream package and see if there is a fix to support the new location. At worst we should add this to the readme file.
Thanks for the question - something we should constantly be looking at. I'd love to be able to retire this tool, especially given how lax I've been during 2020 responding...
Looks like an error injected with the `0.0.37` release - I'll need to dig in and see why.