Steve Gordon

Results 112 comments of Steve Gordon

Hi @yevhen. Apologies for my delay in responding. I read this and thought I had left a note. I can see the benefit of this, particularly for upgrade scenarios as...

Hi @sjg-ep. Operators for combining queries are currently a missing feature. The intention is to re-introduce these during the beta phase.

Very likely a result of the upgrade to [Tika 2.4]( in v8 which extracts some additional fields. I'm not sure these can be addressed by the compatibility header and our...

Hi @Krusen. I'm having a hard time reproducing the exceptions you're seeing with the code above. In each case, the code executes for me without an exception. When `AggregationCombinator` is...

No worries @Krusen. I can reproduce this now and see the cause. I'll need to investigate further to see if the fix is as simple as it first appears and...

Hi, @kierenj. For HTTP itself we depend on the .NET stack, but of course, there could be delays elsewhere in the client. The first question is, did you configure Wireshark...

Hi @balukantu, The best place to raise these questions is our community discuss forum where more people can contribute to an answer. We reserve issues for bugs and feature requests....

Hi @whittssg. I can see how this may be confusing. AutoMap is a client-side helper which infers mappings within the client from your .NET types. When used, we're able to...

You're welcome @whittssg. I'm not sure if it's been raised in the past but I can see some value there. I've collected this on a set of suggestions I'm compiling...

@jhouben98 This is a fair point. I'll dig into any historical reasons for this. While it's not something we could change in v7 as it would be breaking behaviour, I'd...