pihole-cloudsync copied to clipboard
sqlite3 command not found | db_dump.sql not tracked (should it be??)
/usr/local/bin/my-pihole-lists$ sudo /usr/local/bin/pihole-cloudsync/pihole-cloudsync --push --push option detected. Running in Push/Upload mode. /usr/local/bin/pihole-cloudsync/pihole-cloudsync: line 99: sqlite3: command not found Local Pi-hole lists are different than remote Git repo. Updating remote repo... On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Done!
you probably don't have sqlite3 installed. Try running sqlite3 --version and if not found run apt install sqlite3
you probably don't have sqlite3 installed. Try running sqlite3 --version and if not found run apt install sqlite3
Thanks @hamah99 Yep, that solved the sqlite issue. Now just need to work through whether db_dump.sql should be tracked by git or not
(I'm fairly new to GIT and unfortunately not a developer for my day job)