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How to add files created by a rule as a src to a c.program?
I need to generate a C file by means of a rule. This file then needs to be set as the src of a c.program.
The code (lakefile) I currently have is:
RE2C = 'utils/re2c/re2c/build/re2c'
LEMON = 'utils/lemon/lemon'
lemon_rule = rule('.y', '.c', '$(LEMON) -s $(INPUT)')
re2c_rule = rule('.re.c', '.c', '$(RE2C) -o $(TARGET) $(INPUT)')
test = c.program{
lemon_rule 'src/parser.y',
re2c_rule 'src/',
However, this results in:
lake: ./utils/lake/lake:518: attempt to call method 'gsub' (a nil value)
How do I write this properly?
Currently it is a little awkward to express this. Here's a simple scenario that works:
-- rule that converts .l to .c files
L = rule('.l','.c','lua prepro.lua $(INPUT) $(TARGET)')
-- add targets to the rule
L 'lib.l'
L 'util.l'
-- (can also say L '*.l')
SRC = L:get_targets()
SRC[#SRC+1] = 'main'
prog = c.program{'main', src = SRC }
default {prog}
It's awkward because you have to explicitly get the generated targets, and add the other source file.
Another approach is to keep the files as a string and explicitly mention them again:
-- defining a new 'language'
L = {ext='.l',obj_ext='.c'}
L.compile = 'lua prepro.lua $(INPUT) $(TARGET)'
LFILES = 'lib util'
lfiles ={src=LFILES}
prog = c.program{'main', src = 'main '..LFILES }
default {prog}
I'm thinking of extending the definition of src
so that it can contain things other than source files. Then they can also be targets, or rules (and then the get_targets
is implicit).
What do you think? I'm coming out with a new version soon, so I'm interested to know what other pain points you've hit!
It would definitely be nice if the src parameter could receive other targets directly, yes.
I am still trying to get my first Lakefile to work, so I have not yet done much with Lake.
Anyway, I have some more questions:
- My program consists of C and C++ sources which create one program. Do I need to create a c and a cxx library and link them together into a cxx program?
- Then I have to create a rule which executes multiple commands. Is there any simpler way than having to create a function that calls os.execute and utils.substitute? (s.b.)
- How do I specify CFLAGS? It seems defining the variable alone is not sufficient, and the cpp.program does not take a cflags parameter either…
- I think that the extension replacement code for rules has a bug where it does not replace the whole extension. rule('.b.c', '.c', …) applied to file 'a.b.c' creates a file 'a.b.c' instead of 'a.c'.
Anyway, this is the code I currently have (which does not work):
RE2C = 'utils/re2c/re2c/build/re2c'
LEMON = 'utils/lemon/lemon'
CFLAGS = '-I src'
lemon_c_rule = rule('.y', '.c', '$(LEMON) -s $(INPUT)')
lemon_cpp_rule = rule('.y', '.cpp', function(t)
os.execute(utils.substitute('$(LEMON) -s $(INPUT)', {LEMON=LEMON, INPUT=t.deps[1]}))
os.execute(utils.substitute('$(MV) $(TARGET_).c $(TARGET_).cpp', {MV='mv -f','\.cpp$', ''):gsub('^', 'src/')}))
re2c_rule = rule('.re.c', '.c', '$(RE2C) -o $(TARGET) $(INPUT)')
lemon_cpp_rule 'src/parser.y'
re2c_rule 'src/'
test_src = {'src/main'}
for i,v in ipairs(lemon_c_rule:get_targets()) do v,_ = v:gsub('^', 'src/') table.insert(test_src,v) end
for i,v in ipairs(lemon_cpp_rule:get_targets()) do v,_ = v:gsub('^', 'src/') table.insert(test_src,v) end
for i,v in ipairs(re2c_rule:get_targets()) do table.insert(test_src,v) end
test = cpp.program{
I think it's easier to work on a slightly lower level, directly with targets:
c_parser = target('src/parser.c','src/parser.y','$(LEMON) -s $(DEPENDS)')
cpp_parser = target('src/parser.cpp',,'$(MV) $(DEPENDS) $(TARGET)')
res2c = target('src/scanner.c','src/','$(RES2C) -o $(TARGET) $(DEPENDS)')
src = {,, 'src/main'}
test = cpp.program{'test',src=src,incdir='src'}
default {test}
And this gives me with lake -t
the following output (-t because I don't actually have a lemon)
lemon -s src/parser.y
mv src/parser.c src/parser.cpp
g++ -c -O1 -Wall -Isrc -MMD src/parser.cpp -o parser.o
res2c -o src/scanner.c src/
g++ -c -O1 -Wall -Isrc -MMD src/scanner.c -o scanner.o
g++ -c -O1 -Wall -Isrc -MMD src/main.cpp -o main.o
g++ parser.o scanner.o main.o -Wl,-s -o test.exe
Note how the include directory is specified. You can pass flags directly, but the field name is 'flags', which I admit is confusing (better to have also an alias 'cflags')
This approach is ok if you only have one of any particular kind - rules are useful for doing lots of operations that match a pattern. I suppose the moral is: when in doubt, think like Make ;)
I've had to explicitly get the target file with '' but the src list will soon also understand targets directly.
As for mixed C/C++, no problem. The compiler knows what to do and just compiles everything as C++.
steve d.
c_parser = target('src/parser.c','src/parser.y','$(LEMON) -s $(DEPENDS)')
What I just noticed: rule() and target() have their parameters in opposite order, which confused me originally when I changed from target() to rule() and the lakefile worked even less than before.
As for mixed C/C++, no problem. The compiler knows what to do and just compiles everything as C++.
That might be an issue, when e.g. mixing in C99, which afaik a C++03 compliant compiler does not need to understand. In addition: Won't compiling it as C++ mess up symbol names?
What I just noticed: rule() and target() have their parameters in opposite order
Ouch. That's not a nice inconsistency.
Ah, and yes, sometimes you do need to separately compile C and C++. (there is a c99 available that forces GCC to compile as C99)
So we can partition the build in two, like so:
cfiles ={'cfiles',src='src/one src/two',incdir='src'}
cppfiles ='cppfiles',src='src/three src/four',incdir='src'}
prog = cpp.program('test',input={cfiles,cppfiles},libs='foo'}
This separates out the compile and the link stage and allows them to be separate, with their own flags etc.