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A SQL-ish language for DynamoDB


:Build: |build|_ |coverage|_ :Documentation: http://dql.readthedocs.org/ :Downloads: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/dql :Source: https://github.com/stevearc/dql

.. |build| image:: https://github.com/stevearc/dql/actions/workflows/code-workflows.yml/badge.svg .. _build: https://github.com/stevearc/dql/actions/workflows/code-workflows.yml .. |coverage| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/stevearc/dql/badge.png?branch=master .. _coverage: https://coveralls.io/r/stevearc/dql?branch=master

A simple, SQL-ish language for DynamoDB

As of November 2020, Amazon has released PartiQL support <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/ql-reference.html>__ for DynamoDB. You should investigate that first to see if it addresses your needs.

Getting Started

Installation can be done in a variety of ways

  • An executable pex <https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex>__ file is available on the release page <https://github.com/stevearc/dql/releases>__.
  • You can run a script to generate the pex file yourself: curl -o- install.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevearc/dql/master/bin/install.py | python
  • With pip: pip install dql


Here are some basic DQL examples to get you going:

Start the REPL::

$ dql

Creating a table::

us-west-1> CREATE TABLE forum_threads (name STRING HASH KEY,
         >                             subject STRING RANGE KEY,
         >                             THROUGHPUT (4, 2));

Inserting data::

us-west-1> INSERT INTO forum_threads (name, subject, views, replies)
         > VALUES ('Self Defense', 'Defense from Banana', 67, 4),
         > ('Self Defense', 'Defense from Strawberry', 10, 0),
         > ('Cheese Shop', 'Anyone seen the camembert?', 16, 1);


us-west-1> SCAN * FROM forum_threads;
us-west-1> SELECT count(*) FROM forum_threads WHERE name = 'Self Defense';
us-west-1> SELECT * FROM forum_threads WHERE name = 'Self Defense';


us-west-1> UPDATE forum_threads ADD views 1 WHERE
         > name = 'Self Defense' AND subject = 'Defense from Banana';
us-west-1> DELETE FROM forum_threads WHERE name = 'Cheese Shop';

Changing tables::

us-west-1> ALTER TABLE forum_threads SET THROUGHPUT (8, 4);
us-west-1> DROP TABLE forum_threads;

And don't forget to use help!