resty-redis-cluster copied to clipboard
redis连接参数: idletimeout=1 keepaliveTimeout=60000 keepaliveSize=300 connectionTimout=1000 maxRedirection=5
ab压测: ab -c 10 -n 50 无报错
ab -c 10 -n 100 产生下面报错: `2019/08/26 19:16:13 [error] 60698#5338817: *962 [lua] rediscluster.lua:168: init_slots(): failed to acquire the lock in initialization slot cache: timeout, client:, server: ***, request: "GET /hehe/init?ok=2222000&version=7.2.0&source=2 HTTP/1.0", host: "localhost:9110"
2019/08/26 19:16:13 [error] 60698#5338817: 963 [lua] rediscluster.lua:168: init_slots(): failed to acquire the lock in initialization slot cache: timeout, client:, server:**, request: "GET /hehe/init?ok=2222000&version=7.2.0&source=2 HTTP/1.0", host: "localhost:9110"
2019/08/26 19:16:13 [error] 60698#5338817: 964 [lua] rediscluster.lua:168: init_slots(): failed to acquire the lock in initialization slot cache: timeout, client:, server:**, request: "GET /hehe/init?ok=2222000&version=7.2.0&source=2 HTTP/1.0", host: "localhost:9110"`
查找代码,定位到是 line 166 获取lock 超时:
local elapsed, err = lock:lock("redis_cluster_slot_" .. sel if not elapsed then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to acquire the lock in initial ization slot cache: ", err) return end
You can try this. @liangwangkai
-- redis_conn.lua
local redis_cluster = require("rediscluster") local redis_config = require("redis_config") local redis_conn = redis_cluster:new(redis_config) return redis_conn
-- other file local red_c = require("redis_conn")
You can try this. @liangwangkai
-- redis_conn.lua
local redis_cluster = require("rediscluster") local redis_config = require("redis_config") local redis_conn = redis_cluster:new(redis_config) return redis_conn
-- other file local red_c = require("redis_conn")
have a error :
code : ` local redis_cluster = require "rediscluster"
local config = { name = 'rediscluster', --rediscluster name serv_list = { {ip = "", port = "6379"}}, --redis cluster node list(host and port), keepalive_timeout = 60000, --redis connection pool idle timeout keepalive_cons = 100, --redis connection pool size connection_timout = 1000, --timeout while connecting max_redirection = 5, --maximum retry attempts for redirection }
local RedisClusterCon = redis_cluster:new(config)
return RedisClusterCon`
error: attempt to yield across C-call boundary
You can try this. @liangwangkai -- redis_conn.lua local redis_cluster = require("rediscluster") local redis_config = require("redis_config") local redis_conn = redis_cluster:new(redis_config) return redis_conn -- other file local red_c = require("redis_conn")
have a error :
code : ` local redis_cluster = require "rediscluster"
local config = { name = 'rediscluster', --rediscluster name serv_list = { {ip = "", port = "6379"}}, --redis cluster node list(host and port), keepalive_timeout = 60000, --redis connection pool idle timeout keepalive_cons = 100, --redis connection pool size connection_timout = 1000, --timeout while connecting max_redirection = 5, --maximum retry attempts for redirection }
local RedisClusterCon = redis_cluster:new(config)
return RedisClusterCon`
error: attempt to yield across C-call boundary
Sorry, it is my problem. The reason can be found in Can you show the nginx.conf ?
You can try this. @liangwangkai -- redis_conn.lua local redis_cluster = require("rediscluster") local redis_config = require("redis_config") local redis_conn = redis_cluster:new(redis_config) return redis_conn -- other file local red_c = require("redis_conn")
have a error : code :
local redis_cluster = require "rediscluster" local config = { name = 'rediscluster', --rediscluster name serv_list = { {ip = "", port = "6379"}}, --redis cluster node list(host and port), keepalive_timeout = 60000, --redis connection pool idle timeout keepalive_cons = 100, --redis connection pool size connection_timout = 1000, --timeout while connecting max_redirection = 5, --maximum retry attempts for redirection } local RedisClusterCon = redis_cluster:new(config) return RedisClusterCon
error: attempt to yield across C-call boundarySorry, it is my problem. The reason can be found in openresty/lua-resty-redis#3 Can you show the nginx.conf ?
You can try this. @liangwangkai -- redis_conn.lua local redis_cluster = require("rediscluster") local redis_config = require("redis_config") local redis_conn = redis_cluster:new(redis_config) return redis_conn -- other file local red_c = require("redis_conn")
have a error : code :
local redis_cluster = require "rediscluster" local config = { name = 'rediscluster', --rediscluster name serv_list = { {ip = "", port = "6379"}}, --redis cluster node list(host and port), keepalive_timeout = 60000, --redis connection pool idle timeout keepalive_cons = 100, --redis connection pool size connection_timout = 1000, --timeout while connecting max_redirection = 5, --maximum retry attempts for redirection } local RedisClusterCon = redis_cluster:new(config) return RedisClusterCon
error: attempt to yield across C-call boundarySorry, it is my problem. The reason can be found in openresty/lua-resty-redis#3 Can you show the nginx.conf ?
`-----dev.conf lua_shared_dict idevz 20m; lua_shared_dict redis_cluster_slot_locks 100m;
server { server_name; lua_code_cache off; root /data/wwwroot/openresty/api; listen 9110; set $APP_NAME 'openresty'; set $VANILLA_VERSION '0_1_0_rc7'; set $VANILLA_ROOT '/data/wwwroot/openresty/vanilla/framework'; set $template_root ''; set $va_cache_status ''; set $VA_DEV on;
location / {
content_by_lua_file $document_root/pub/index.lua;
worker_processes 1;
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http { include mime.types; default_type text/html; resolver;
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
keepalive_timeout 60;
gzip on;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 16 8k;
gzip_min_length 1000;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_disable "msie6";
gzip_http_version 1.0;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/javascript image/svg+xml;
lua_package_path "/?.lua;/?/init.lua;/data/wwwroot/openresty/vanilla/framework/?.lua;/data/wwwroot/openresty/vanilla/framework/?/init.lua;;";
lua_package_cpath "/?.so;/data/wwwroot/openresty/vanilla/framework/?.so;;";
init_by_lua_file /data/wwwroot/openresty/vanilla/framework/init.lua;
include dev_vhost/*.conf;
} `
You can try lua_code_cache off; -> lua_code_cache on;
You can try lua_code_cache off; -> lua_code_cache on;
oh!the problem is solved after lua_code_cache on. thanks
Because if lua_code_cache is off, the slot_cache will always miss (rediscluster.lua: 154) and fetch slots from redis for each request, the lock may be timeout in high concurrency (rediscluster.lua: 163).
@liangwangkai please use English in public channel