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map-gl-utils copied to clipboard

A utility library that makes Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL a bit more convenient to work with.

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``` map.U.on(['mylayer','myotherlayer'], e => ... ) ```

One function like: `map.U.clickDebug()` then when you click any layer it console logs info about it.

This might look like: ``` map.U.setStyle('mapbox://mapbox.blah', { discardRegex: 'mapbox://' }) ``` Then: 1. Fetch new style 2. Find every source in current style whose URL doesn't match the discardRegex, add...

This utility library is really handy. One valuable utility that would solve many people's headaches would be to have a reliable way to detect when a source or layer has...

This might give a convenient way to alter the style before the map is loaded. I'm thinking something like: ```js const map = U.create(mapboxgl, { container: 'map', style: 'mapbox://styles/', },...