map-gl-utils icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
map-gl-utils copied to clipboard

regeneratorRuntime is not defined

Open obermartin opened this issue 10 months ago • 0 comments

using throws this error:

map-gl-utils:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
    at map-gl-utils:1:17623
    at map-gl-utils:1:19350
    at map-gl-utils:1:192
    at map-gl-utils:1:196
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1

a bit of googling leads me to believe this is probably babel-related:

obermartin avatar Oct 08 '23 13:10 obermartin