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Feature Request: More granular control over boundary conditions
Hi, I don't know how one could implement this efficiently, but it would be cool to have more granular control over boundary conditions. Imagine for example a cube with periodic boundary conditions in two directions and two different constant values e.g. at top and bottom.
It is currently still undocumented, but you have full control over the boundary conditions already.
A quick way to do that is defining your own extension type (here mostly copied from ExtensionCircular
in src/extension.jl
using StaticKernels
struct ExtensionCustom{T} <: StaticKernels.Extension
Base.@propagate_inbounds @inline function StaticKernels.getindex_extension(w, wi, ext::ExtensionCustom)
wi[1] < 0 && return ext.a
wi[1] > 0 && return ext.b
pi = position(w) + wi
pimod = CartesianIndex(mod1.(Tuple(pi), size(parent(w))))
return parent(w)[pimod]
a = rand(3, 3, 3)
k = Kernel{(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)}(w -> sum(Tuple(w)), ExtensionCustom(5, -5))
map(k, a)
Note that there is currently high compilation time for higher dimensional kernels with boundaries.
This implementation checks the index wi[1]
. You could check on axes_inner(w)
instead, since that is known at compile-time to get better performance but you probably won't notice much of a difference since the interior dominates very quickly and there the extension is not called anyway.
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll need some time to think into it and will give it a try. I leave the decision to close this to you, as open issues have better visibility if someone else looks for the same thing (at least if there are only a few). Btw: naming a variable "pi" looks strange to me.