Stephen Lau
Stephen Lau
I see! Can you explain what the colon symbol (:) means?
Thanks a lot! I actually have another unrelated question. I have been struggling to find out how EventSim and Kafka work together to create the 4 topics: listen_events, page_view_events, auth_events,...
I see. How did you check the columns and the data types of each Kafka event before you define the schemas?
I didn't know you can check those out from the control center. Thanks for being helpful.
Hi. Do you mind answering another question of mine? I hope this is not bothering you. When I set the environmental variable `KAFKA_ADDRESS` to be the external IP, the eventsim...
My mistake. It was opened automatically. (Sorry I deleted the comment after I realized that). Now it works. But let me try again after setting the env variable.
Yeah it doesn't work if I set the `KAFKA_ADDRESS` to the external IP of the VM. It works when I unset the env variable. This is what I see in...
By the way I just saw this in the Kafka docker compose yaml file ``` KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: PLAINTEXT://broker:29092,PLAINTEXT_HOST://${KAFKA_ADDRESS:-localhost}:9092 ``` So the KAFKA_ADDRESS env variable does affect stuff.
I just noticed this in the terraform config: ``` resource "google_compute_firewall" "port_rules" { project = var.project name = "kafka-broker-port" network = description = "Opens port 9092 in the Kafka...
Hey, when I set the port rules, it worked! It turns out this step is important.