Stephen J. Lawrence Jr.
Stephen J. Lawrence Jr.
In the radio button permissions area we need to allow users to select "all" for the permissions columns.
If you un-delete a document and have File Authorization disabled you will see the undeleted document waiting for you in the approval queue. If there is no authorization this file...
The "View" permission is frequently causing confusion for the users. We need to change the name (and maybe the "Read" permission) to make it more clear to the user that...
As an admin, when I delete a user I would like the user to remain in the database but be disabled and unable to login. This will allow the files...
As an admin, I want to see log entries when ownership of a file changes.
Add the ability to "limit" the number of files that show up from the DB query on the out.php page. Some users that have a large amount of files can...
The sub-select UDF in its current form only allows searching through primary items, need to add secondary items to the search .
As a reviewer or above, I would like to be able to bulk edit files so make bulk changes to things like Department, Owner, etc..
Should add a new admin site settings option that disables the mime-type checking and the File Types admin page. This will allow people to skip over the mime-type if they...