jxls copied to clipboard
bugfix fork of jxls sourceforge project
jXLS - Export data to Excel using XLS template
Online docs - http://jxls.sourceforge.net/
You can download the latest jXLS release from here:
To use jXLS engine you have to put jxls-core jar in your classpath.
And if you are planning to use jXLS to read XLS files you have to add jxls-reader jar file to your classpath.
If you use Maven 2 to build your application you can specify required jXLS modules in your pom.xml as dependencies to allow them to be downloaded from Maven repository
The following Jakarta libraries are also required to be on your classpath.
* POI (3.5 or later)
* Commons BeanUtils
* Commons Collections
* Commons JEXL
* Commons Logging
* Commons Digester
jXLS requires next libraries to be on your classpath
Jakarta POI - great library to manipulate XLS files from pure Java
Jakarta Commons BeanUtils - great library for dynamic defining and accessing bean properties.
Jakarta Commons Collections - great library for manipulating java collections.
Jakarta Commons JEXL - excellent library for Expression Language support.
Jakarta Commons Digester - excellent library to create objects from XML
Jakarta Commons Logging - good logging library
Building from source
Download jXLS distribution from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=141729
Download and install Maven 2 framework http://maven.apache.org/
Execute from source code folder mvn clean install