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Thanks for a great job on rx-data-table - possible issue with checkbox clickAction(...)
Hi Nick,
Thanks for a great job on rx-data-table - a really nice implementation!!
Am having an issue with checkbox clickAction(). While I can get the checkbox field to display OK in my table - I cannot get the clickAction(...) function to fire. Do you have a working example handy?
BTW - am using 'controller as' syntax. Here are my test data, config object and clickAction function:
myThis.dtConfig = [
{'title': 'Select',
'dataField': 'vacSelected',
'checkbox': true,
'cols': 1
{'title': 'Vaccine',
'dataField': 'vacName',
'cols': 1
{'title': 'Source',
'dataField': 'vacSource',
'cols': 1
myThis.dtData = [
{vacSelected: 'firstSelected', vacName: 'RX first Vac Name', vacSource: 'RX first Vac Source'},
{vacSelected: 'secondSelected', vacName: 'RX second Vac Name', vacSource: 'RX second Vac Source'},
{vacSelected: 'thirdSelected', vacName: 'RX third Vac Name', vacSource: 'RX third Vac Source'}
//clickAction function called by rx-data-table when a checkbox is clicked
$scope.clickAction = function(fieldId) {
alert( 'clickAction(' + fieldId + ') called!!' );
What am I doing wrong? Many thanks in advance for you help!!
Brian Cummings
Sorry for taking so long to get back to this.
The checkbox functionality is rather lacking at this point. So it not working is expected. I apologize for the poor documentation on this.
Feel free to submit a PR. :D