SQLite.swift copied to clipboard
Crashes when Calling Sync on a DispatchQueue in a Transaction with a Statement Inside
If you call sync
on a DispatchQueue (and run a statement inside the closure) inside of a transaction, SQLite.swift will have called sync twice on the same DispatchQueue and therefore crash the program.
Internally, SQLite.swift checks the current executing DispatchQueue to find if it contains a context value made out of the bits of the Connection to figure out if it should call sync on it or not. Sync being called on a DispatchQueue changes out the queue associated with the current execution context, but continues running code on the same call stack.
func test() {
let connection = try! Connection()
let dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Test")
try! connection.transaction {
dispatchQueue.sync {
// Crash
try! connection.execute(".")
let wait = 1 + 1
I also see this in my crash logs stack trace when I submitted my app on App Store and they reviewed it. Please shed some light on this issue.
Any news on this? I saw something some crash logs that brought me here and it might be related
Related: #813, #365, #259