jparallax copied to clipboard
jQuery plugin for creating interactive parallax effect
I have encountered perfromance issue with IE of all versions. Profiling got the following results of actual time spend: IE8: 19.35% data() 12.88% style() 11.20% trigger() 7.72% handle() It looks...
I was looking for simple "move" event without a complete freeze, like faking a mouse move - useful for controlling parallax position by buttons or triggered events. Here is the...
Mouseport element should have "border: 0" to work properly in IE6-8. By default borderLeftWidth is "medium" in IE, resulting in "NaN" css property calculation. Documentation does not mention this.
After updating jQuery to v 3.7, I get error Uncaught TypeError: d.event.handle is undefined How can I use this code again? Or, considering its age, what successor can you recommend?...