libmodbus copied to clipboard
src\win32\ instructions not working in Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2019
libmodbus version
Tried both version 3.1.10 and latest commit in master branch
OS and/or distribution
Windows 10 Home 19045.2251 with Visual Studio 2019
both x86 and x64 have the same errors
After following the instructions in the file the "Console App" project doesn't build
Actual behavior if applicable
Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: CL3-E-1-0F_CommunicationTester, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>modbus.rc(8): error RC2135: file not found: LANGUAGE
1>modbus.rc(9): error RC2135: file not found: 1
1>modbus.rc(10): error RC2135: file not found: 3
1>Done building project "CL3-E-1-0F_CommunicationTester.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
I don't know how to go ahead to make it build correctly.
Expected behavior or suggestion
On the same computer using the sln file made in this PR the library by itself compile correctly. So these instructions should be fixed or updated.
Steps to reproduce the behavior (commands or source code)
Just follow the steps in src\win32\
# Instructions to compile on Windows
## Create a new Visual Studio project with the library included
Download the latest version of libmodbus source code from Github
`` -> Code -> Download ZIP.
Once the archive is decompressed, launch a Windows terminal (`cmd`) in
`src/win32` directory and run `cscript configure.js`.
1. copy the file `config.h` from `src/win32` to `src`.
2. create a new 'Console App' project under Visual Studio.
3. create a new directory called `libmodbus` inside your VS project (same level
as the `.vcxproj` file).
4. copy all `*.c` and `*.h` from libmodbus `src` in the new `libmodbus` folder
of your VS project.
5. copy `modbus.rc` in your VS project (same level as the `.vcxproj` file).
6. drag and drop `libmodbus/*.c` files (4) in *Solution Explorer -> Source Files*.
7. drag and drop `libmodbus/*.h` files (8) in *Solution Explorer -> Header Files*.
8. drag and drop `modbus.rc` file in *Solution Explorer -> Resource Files*.
9. check path is `#include "modbus-version.h"` in `modbus.rc`.
10. in the **Property Pages** of the project *Configuration Properties -> C/C++
-> General -> Additional Include Directories*, add `libmodbus` folder.
11. in the **Property Pages** of the project *Configuration Properties ->
Resources -> Additional Include Directories*, add `libmodbus` folder.
12. in the **Property Pages** of the project *Configuration Properties -> Linker
-> Input*, define `ws2_32.lib`.
13. if required, add `_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS` to *C/C++ -> Preprocessor ->
Preprocessor Definitions*.
Just double click the configure.js configure.h and some files will be generated.
Open modbus-9.sln with visual studio .
you can build modbus.lib and modbus.dll.
On the same computer using the sln file made in this PR the library by itself compile correctly. So these instructions should be fixed or updated.
Yes, I was able to build it in some other way as I've described in the "Expected behavior or suggestion" section, but only after losing a lot of time trying to follow the "official steps" described in src\win32\
If the "official steps" for compiling the library in windows don't work they should be updated, even with just the steps you wrote here (maybe with a little more details). In my case, the "modbus-9.sln" was not working with VisualStudio 2019 and I had to use the changes made in PR #512 (which is still open) to make it build correctly.