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OperatorPrecedenceParser Reply Status is OK when parser with InfixOperator parses a single term
let sanityExpr, sanityExprImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let sanityParser = OperatorPrecedenceParser<String, unit, unit>()
sanityParser.AddOperator(InfixOperator("+", spaces, 100, Associativity.Left, fun s1 s2 -> s1 + s2))
let sanityTerm = (choice [
attempt (pWordCI "hello");
attempt (pWordCI "world")
sanityParser.TermParser <- sanityTerm
sanityExprImpl.Value <- sanityParser
let runParser p s =
match run p s with
| Failure(errorString, _, _) ->
InvalidOperationException(errorString) |> raise
| Success(result, _, _) -> result
let ``Infix operator precedence parser should fail when operator and second term is absent`` () =
//Expect parser to fail.
//Operator = "+"
//Term = ["hello";"world"] i.e. "hello+world" -> "helloworld"
//Expect parser to throw
let result = runParser sanityParser "hello"
//Should not pass
result |> should equal "hello"
Example reply
Reply(Ok, "hello", [Expected("infix operator")])