dyld-image-loading-performance copied to clipboard
Looks like this may have regressed on iOS 10...
I'm trying to run the tests, but it won't run on a device. It looks like all the frameworks are built for the wrong arch.
How do you run these tests on a device? I always hit dyld
dyld_fatal_error:` immediately.
I think this is no longer true? Looks like the frameworks are actually built with i386? May be wrong though...
Another note: Included frameworks only contain arm64 and armv7 slices, make sure you run the app on a physical device with one of these architectures. We want to be using dyld that ships with iOS anyway, iOS Simulator can possibly be using a different one.
Btw, ran tests on another project and found that it looks like there is now iOS 10 regression (phew).
Going to leave this issue open since I was unable to run on device, but no need to complete it. Luckily, it looks like this project won't be needed again.
have you seen this:
If using CocoaPods, completely skip the Embed Pod Frameworks step for configurations that use this workaround (e.g. not for tests).
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Test" ]]; then "${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-YourTarget/Pods-YourTarget-frameworks.sh" fi