ufcg copied to clipboard
UFCG dependency issues from AUGUSTUS and gsl issues
What I did:
conda install -c conda-forge gsl
ufcg download -t full
Initial running
ufcg profile -i [input] -o [output] -t 32
ERROR! Following dependency binary remains unsolved : augustus
Re-run with AUGUSTUS path designation
ufcg profile -i ../101_assembly/nextdenovo/03.ctg_graph/nd.asm.fasta -s NUC -o ./UFCG_ITS -t 32 --augustus /home/genome/anaconda3/envs/ufcg/bin/augustus
java.nio.file.NotLinkException: /home/genome/anaconda3/envs/ufcg/bin/augustus
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.readSymbolicLink(UnixFileSystemProvider.java:553)
at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.readSymbolicLink(Files.java:1467)
at envs.config.PathConfig.setAugustusPath(PathConfig.java:69)
at module.ProfileModule.parseArgument(ProfileModule.java:160)
at module.ProfileModule.run(ProfileModule.java:773)
at pipeline.ModuleHandler.handle_profile(ModuleHandler.java:45)
at pipeline.ModuleHandler.handle(ModuleHandler.java:83)
at pipeline.UFCGMainPipeline.main(UFCGMainPipeline.java:301)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: ERROR! [AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: ERROR! java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Object.getClass()" because "pipeline.ExceptionHandler.E" is null
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at pipeline.ExceptionHandler.printStackTrace(ExceptionHandler.java:66)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at pipeline.ExceptionHandler.handle(ExceptionHandler.java:76)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at envs.config.PathConfig.setAugustusPath(PathConfig.java:82)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at module.ProfileModule.parseArgument(ProfileModule.java:160)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at module.ProfileModule.run(ProfileModule.java:773)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at pipeline.ModuleHandler.handle_profile(ModuleHandler.java:45)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at pipeline.ModuleHandler.handle(ModuleHandler.java:83)
[AUG 27 19:04:26] UFCG |: at pipeline.UFCGMainPipeline.main(UFCGMainPipeline.java:301)
Run augustus:
augustus -h
augustus: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.25: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Install gsl==2.7.0 to solve dependency issues:
conda install gsl==2.7.0
Now augustus works
Rerun ufcg:
ufcg profile -i ../101_assembly/nextdenovo/03.ctg_graph/nd.asm.fasta -s NUC -o ./UFCG_ITS -t 32
Now it works
I think the problem is that AUGUSTUS has set default gsl option as gsl==2.7 or gsl>=2.7, which causes independency with gsl=2.7.1. Please set conda recipe more specific