homebridge-openhab2-complete copied to clipboard
'Current Heater-Cooler State' didn't respond at all
I have been trying to add an air conditioner to Homebridge but I keep getting this error
[8/15/2021, 3:10:16 AM] [homebridge-openhab2-complete] This plugin slows down Homebridge. The read handler for the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State' didn't respond at all!. Please check that you properly call the callback! See https://git.io/JtMGR for more info.
On Apple home Item has No Response in red and with thin the temperature circle it's showing the current temp reading
"name": "AA",
"type": "heatercooler",
"currentTempItem": "LivingTemprature",
"item": "GetLivingAC2",
"inverted": "false",
"coolingItem": "LivingAcCool",
"modeItem": "LivingAcGetMode2",
"coolingThresholdTempItem": "LivingAcGetSetTemp2",
"swingItem": "LivingAcGetSwingItem",
"swingItemInverted": "false",
"rotationSpeedItem": "LivingAcGetFan2",
"tempUnit": "Celsius",
"minTemp": "20",
"maxTemp": "30",
"minTempStep": "1",
"minFanSpeed": "0",
"maxFanSpeed": "100",
"minFanStep": "1"
I did run Homebridge in debug mode (-D), And went through it all there seem's to be no issues in getting or setting any values at all they are all being set properly
I was able to get it working by adding the a "heatingItem", although I thought it was optional anyhow now it always shows the state Idle does not change to Cooling or Heating its always Idle any idea's why ?
Nevermind that was a configuration issue from my side everything is working now aside from the fact that I only wanted it to work with Auto | Cooling Didn't want to add the heating option
Sorry But there is also a bug with the minTemp I have it set to 20 but it still goes all the way down to 10 :(
it also have issue with maxTemp, minTempStep and minFanStep, makes no difference weather you input it or not
Yes but that I was able to overcome by creating a rule if temp set is higher than the AC max temp it auto sets to the maximum possible temp instead therefore it'll always move back to the maximum temp as per to the rule
same for min but I cant seem to get the Swing to work at all
@AhmedOsama have you tried openhab native homekit ? looks like all have been supported since 2.5, I will try shortly in openhab
@hamwong its unreliable keeps disconnecting and very inconsistent
@AhmedOsama I tried and works not bad, I am currently running Openhab 2.5, didn't upgrade to 3 yet, the only issue is RotationSpeed can't set step and can't COOL only, other works very good