Daniel Steigerwald

Results 107 comments of Daniel Steigerwald

In the other words, we need computable typography DSL with common vocabulary. That's clean and only one responsibility.

Just fyi, that's what I am using now https://github.com/este/este/blob/master/src/common/app/theme.js

I am pretty sure that what all apps needs for the start is just sane typography. Colors, borders, and all that stuff, to know what I mean, read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ornament_and_Crime

Btw, can you please write some short blog post about typography, vertical rhythm, etc., just extract and sum up core typography.js knowledge?

Just explain the idea. 3min reading. Short is better than perfect :-)

I read it, thank you. Btw, have you seen this http://jxnblk.com/writing/posts/patterns-for-style-composition-in-react/ and https://github.com/jxnblk/rebass?

Global base styles, I see, but in Este I would rather call it the theme.js :-)

Yeah, I see the purpose of your usage. I am just curious whether we can marry Typography.js with rebass somehow.

Btw, I am surprised he suggests to set lineHeight in the body. Does it mean, that all HTML elements inherits it and it should be the same across whole app?

Also, check https://github.com/jxnblk/reflexbox It uses p m with six predefined values from https://github.com/jxnblk/robox, what do you think? Isn't should be set via Typography.js as well?