Stef Joosten
Stef Joosten
Ampersand is about programming with invariants, aka constraint-based programming. However, Ampersand rules apply to the back end only. As a front-end programmer used to JavaScript, DOMS, endpoint programming, and the...
# What happened I ran a reasonably straightforward script on a codespace and in a locally running project template: ```Ampersand CONTEXT Issue1472 PURPOSE CONTEXT Issue1472 {+ There is an error...
# What happened I wrote a prototype to execute in Codespace from the project-template repo. All went well, but the fourth or fifth deployment. All of a sudden the prototype...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Simon's research is about using the Atlas as an editor, so users can edit scripts without knowing the Ampersand syntax....
# Problem Namespaces require semantics that will prepare us to work with distributed systems and allow us to do data migrations. So far, we have generated information systems with one...
@Michiel-s, @stefjoosten , and @hanjoosten have discussed an implementation of the multi-context functionality. We have agreed on the following: 1. A pattern is a namespace, so we'll drop the keyword...
# What happened Ampersand-v5.0.0 [feature/labels-in-ADL-files:662580d51] produces no compile-time errors nor warnings when compiling this script: ```Ampersand CONTEXT Issue1465Test IN DUTCH CLASSIFY Auto ISA Voertuig RELATION eigenaar [Voertuig * Persoon] [UNI,TOT]...
# What happened I tried to compile the AmpersandData/PrototypeContext/PrototypeContext.adl` code with the Ampersand-v5.0.0 compiler, expecting it to compile stand-alone. This code is used to generate prototypes, so I know apriori...
# What happened I got a run time error message immediately after deploying a script: I was surprised because the compiler found my script correct and yet its deployment produces...
# What happened I noticed that ```Ampersand RELATION r[A*B] ENFORCE r := I[A]#"foo" ``` has a different semantics than ```Ampersand RELATION r[A*B] ENFORCE r := V[A*B]#"foo" ``` If I test...